Friday, January 25, 2019

Book Review: Mending Fences by Suzanne Woods Fisher

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Mending Fences (The Deacon's Family Book #1) by [Fisher, Suzanne Woods]

Mending Fences (The Deacon's Family Book #1) by Suzanne Woods Fisher (

Every saint has a past. Every sinner has a future.
Luke Schrock is a new and improved man after a stint in rehab, though everyone in Stoney Ridge only remembers the old Luke. They might have forgiven him, but nobody trusts him.

Amos and Fern Lapp allow Luke to live at Windmill Farm under two conditions. First, Luke must make a sincere apology to each person he's hurt--a four-page, single-spaced list. Second, he must ask each victim of mischief to describe the damage he caused. 

Simple, Luke thinks. Offering apologies is easy. But discovering the lasting effects his careless actions have caused . . . that isn't so simple. It's gut-wrenching. 

And his list keeps growing. Izzy Miller, beautiful and frustratingly aloof, also boards at Windmill Farm. Luke's clumsy efforts to befriend Izzy only insult and annoy her. Eager to impress, Luke sets out to prove himself to her by locating her mother. When he does, her identity sends shock waves through Stoney Ridge. 

Bestselling and award-winning author Suzanne Woods Fisher returns to her beloved Stoney Ridge for this brand-new series featuring some of her readers' favorite characters.

My thoughts

Mending Fences took me on a emotional ride and I mean that quite literally. One moment it seemed I was heartbroken and crying and the next minute I was laughing along with Izzy.  I loved the descriptions of the countryside, imagining myself there and hearing the clip clop of the carriages going down the road.  

So many memorable characters!   Amos and Fern stood out with their hospitality and love, the pastor stood out with his  tough love and his generosity, and Luke and Izzy stood out learning how to deal with their past and trust people again.  Each had to lean on God to help them deal with their pain.  A deep hidden pain that manages to surface again for each one of them.

There never was a dull moment with this book and I wanted to savor every moment.  There were surprises of joy, love, forgiveness, and sometimes deep sadness that I couldn't imagine around every bend.   

This book ended so well but yet I want to know more.  I can't wait for the next book.  I just have to find out about everyone.   

A wonderful, wonderful read!  

I received this books for free. I was not required to write a positive review. 

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