Friday, October 18, 2024

Fall colors, Menu change, and Seed saving! 10/18/24

We took a ride up north this past weekend and went to Mackinac Island with the family then we all went on to the Sky Bridge in Gladwin, Michigan.  

This is the latest in the year we have been to the island.   That trip on the ferry if you are on top is brutally cold. Believe me,  I know.  I think I love summer better.  For me warm is good.

We did buy tshirts and sweatshirts at a store for half off and they gave us these cups.  Good deal.  

It was the perfect time for us at the Skybridge though.   The trees were so pretty and you could see for miles.  We all wanted to move up there immediately but money.  Ha ha 

You take a ski lift up to the bridge and then walk around to the bridge to go across.  Here we are on our way down.  We had a wonderful time and it wasn't as scary as I thought in my head.

Back home I've been out in the garden colllecting seeds to save for next year.  

It's been so cold here (frosts and freezes) that we have turned on the heat at night.  We have even put Grandma's polyster quilt on the bed to keep us warm.  

Menus have changed with the cold weather -for instance this past week I've made chili, stew, and steak and onion.  This morning I have  a chicken in the crockpot.

I had all these left over buns so I made garlic bread out of them this morning and froze them.  I just spread butter on top and then sprinkle garlic.  They will be great for a spaghetti day.  

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Friday, October 4, 2024

Fall chores -10/4/2024...Getting some of it done!

All week long I've watched in horror the destruction in Western North Carolina after the hurricane.  I just can't imagine.  My prayers go out to everyone and I hope you are all safe. 

I have a to do list- Fall is here and winter seems not far behind so I'm working hard to get it done.  

Here is my outside to do list:

Wash pots from planting -getting ready for next Spring.  1/4 3/4 done.  I washed a lot last night and of course it rained.  Waiting for them to dry this morning to store them.  

Pull up tomato cages-1/4 all done

Harvest the herbs-too wet this morning but soon.

Save my green bean seeds and zinnia seeds.


Plant garlic.

Clean off Mom and Dad's grave and plant tulips or daffodils.  I'm thinking early tulips or daffodils.  Something that will come up pretty in Spring.

Thanks so much for helping to support Vickie's Kitchen and Garden**As a Amazon affiliate I earn a small percentage when you purchase items from one of my links (the item doesn't have to be what I have linked here). 

Be sure to follow me on Facebook where I share free ebooks,and Bloglovin where I share my frugal list, gardening, recipes, and more!  You can also sign up for my email list on the top right hand side of the blog


Saturday, September 21, 2024

Fun, Garage Sales, and Flash food Deals 9/21/24!

I won 4 tickets to Disney on Ice on a blog at the Little Caesar's Arena in Detroit.  It was a great show and we all loved it! 

I bought 2 gallons of milk from Flashfood for $2.00 a piece (someone wanted a glass before I took a picture).  We usually don't buy Country Fresh as it's a little higher than average.  Milk is running around $2.78 for Meijer milk a gallon and $3.49 for Country Fresh milk a gallon.  How much is milk in your area?  

 I went for a walk and a ground hog crossed the street in front of me.  I'm very slow so it had plenty of time.   All of sudden it saw me and ran as fast as he could under a neighbor's bush.  Kind of funny, I so hope he stays down at that end of the street...he is big.

It's been so warm here that garage sales are everywhere still.  My best find this week is this little raised bed for $15.00.  I hope to get more raised beds in the future.

Thanks so much for helping to support Vickie's Kitchen and Garden**As a Amazon affiliate I earn a small percentage when you purchase items from one of my links (the item doesn't have to be what I have linked here). 

Be sure to follow me on Facebook where I share free ebooks,and Bloglovin where I share my frugal list, gardening, recipes, and more!  You can also sign up for my email list on the top right hand side of the blog

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Update on the Garden and Skippity!

 Update on the Garden:  

I was able to can 6 more quarts of green beans.  These are white half runner and the last of the beans out of the garden.   The yield this year was way down but you know I have beans canned from last year. 

I have one little pumpkin growing in the Lavendar of all places.

Mustard greens are growing great in my little raised bed.   The mustard greens growing in my Green Stalk were attacked by worms so I'm glad I planted some in this space.

Grandson  called last night asking if I had any work for him (he needs money for games).  Before husband claims him and I don't get a chance, I racked my brain last night for things I needed done by someone younger.  I  then remembered the bricks in the front yard.  Some are incased in the dirt and he can help pull them out.   I'll be sure to take pictures before and after for next week.  Skippity.

Thanks so much for helping to support Vickie's Kitchen and Garden**As a Amazon affiliate I earn a small percentage when you purchase items from one of my links (the item doesn't have to be what I have linked here). 

Be sure to follow me on Facebook where I share free ebooks,and Bloglovin where I share my frugal list, gardening, recipes, and more!  You can also sign up for my email list on the top right hand side of the blog

Saturday, September 7, 2024

The Weedy Garden, the Harvest so far, and My Best Deal of the Week!

The garden turned out to be a weedy mess.  Between the rain and my back it was more of disaster than anything else.  But we were able so far to pick enough green beans for two dinners and three quarts to can.  I guess you call this small batch canning.

We picked greasy beans and Kentucky wonders.  They were delicious.

We ran out of potatoes in the house and husband was able to dig a half of a row.  I brought some in and others I'm letting dry in the garage.

We know exactly were everything is planted in this mess, thank goodness.  I know that the white half runner beans are in there and we are going to pick them soon.  Hopefully we will get a good harvest.  I'm thankful for anything this year.

My best deal of the week:  I went to Walmart yesterday and was able to buy 4 bags of potting mix for next Spring at $5.00 a bag. 

 Sorry to have missed last week.  I'm pretty sure every part of my body has been tested but I know there is something that I haven't thought about. They want to get to the bottom of the blood clots and know what caused them.  I want to know the answers too but the anxiety of waiting on the results has not been fun.  I've learned to pray deeply. 

I go to physical therapy for my back a couple of times a week and I'm doing much better.  Still pain but walking is better.  Distance walking and steps can be a nightmare.  It just takes time.

I'm looking forward to next week just the physical therapy and no doctors.  I need peace for a week!  

Thanks so much for helping to support Vickie's Kitchen and Garden**As a Amazon affiliate I earn a small percentage when you purchase items from one of my links (the item doesn't have to be what I have linked here). 

Be sure to follow me on Facebook where I share free ebooks,and Bloglovin where I share my frugal list, gardening, recipes, and more!  You can also sign up for my email list on the top right hand side of the blog

Friday, August 23, 2024

A Easy Way to Peel Tomatoes!


Even though the garden is a weedy mess, I'm getting the tomatoes. Not a bounty but enough to can a few jars.  

I found the easiest way this year to peel tomatoes and you can get the job done in no time!

I first cut out the core of all the tomatoes.

I then put them in freezer bags and stick them in the freezer.  I like to put them in one layer, otherwise you have a frozen blob. Yep, been there and tried that.  

When I got ready to can I put them in a bowl full of warm water and the peel just comes right off! 

Here they are ready to put in a pot to boil for canning.

There you are, a fast and easy way to peel tomatoes! 

Thanks so much for helping to support Vickie's Kitchen and Garden**As a Amazon affiliate I earn a small percentage when you purchase items from one of my links (the item doesn't have to be what I have linked here). 

Be sure to follow me on Facebook where I share free ebooks,and Bloglovin where I share my frugal list, gardening, recipes, and more!  You can also sign up for my email list on the top right hand side of the blog

Friday, August 9, 2024

Fishing, Chicken Dinner Deal, and You Can't beat Free!


We took a little trip to one of my favorite a little up north places, East Tawas, on the Lake Hurton shoreline.  It was cooler and of course beautiful.  We loved every minute of it.  We went fishing but of course we didn't catch anything and we visited my favorite store, Ben Franklin.  Fun and relaxing is what we both needed.  

We were able to visit the Tawas lighthouse.  I was unable to climb the tower but we were able to look at the living quarters.  

Interesting tidbit:  They had a oil room right in the house but somewhere along the way they decided that it was a fire hazard and built a building to hold the oil away from the house. I'm glad they got smart.

I almost forgot, we were visited by a mink on the boardwalk.  This is something I never seen before. It's like a small squirel with fur. He would come and take away our very small fish.

Gordon's food service by us has a deal, after 4 p.m. until 6 p.m, a rotisserie chicken for $3.00. Cole Slaw or Potato Salad for $3.00, and Hawaiin rolls for $2.00.  They said it was only at a few locations.

I bought 2 of the rotisserie chickens and the rest of the deal.   I made two big chicken fajita freezer meals out of the one and we had the other for dinner.  

Hint:  Sign up for their emails.

So far this past week I was able to get two green peppers, 6 cukes, and two large zucchinis for free.  People sit them out in front of their driveway on a table for free.  You gotta love that.

Now to make some zucchini bread.

How's it going at your house?  How have you saved this week?

Thanks so much for helping to support Vickie's Kitchen and Garden**As a Amazon affiliate I earn a small percentage when you purchase items from one of my links (the item doesn't have to be what I have linked here). 

Be sure to follow me on Facebook where I share free ebooks,and Bloglovin where I share my frugal list, gardening, recipes, and more!  You can also sign up for my email list on the top right hand side of the blog