Saturday, February 15, 2025

Chrome and Ice, Valentine's day, and Snow!

Our fun last weekend!  

 We went to the indoor car show, Chrome and Ice...Loved it and we got all these freebies.   Lip balm, magnets, trays, bags, locks, lunch bags, stress cars, etc.   A lot of fun!  

I loved all the cars but I was impressed by these racing things...two kids, a brother and sister, race them.  They were like 7 and 10 or something...wild.

What did he give me for Valentine's Day you ask?  Well we went out to breakfast and had a great time.  Flowers can give us sinus problems in the house in the winter and I don't want he bought a dozen donuts yesterday LOL.  

The rest of the week we have battled snow.  Now listen we were amazed at the totals in the southern states ..because we only had cold and a little snow for us. Nothing we couldn't handle.  Then ...let me tell you.  The first round was 7 inches on Thursday night (another snow day for the kids)...between today and tomorrow will be 11 inches more they say.  We are getting pay back.  LOL

It's pretty though!  

What's going on where you are?  

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Be sure to follow me on Facebook,and Bloglovin where I share my frugal list, gardening, recipes, Free Kindle books, and more!  You can also sign up for my email list on the top right hand side of the blog.

Friday, February 7, 2025

Sewing, Exercise, and Spring Cleaning 2/7/25!


I have been making a tote bag for my granddaughter for her horses.  I've been following this tutorial on youtube that has been perfect.

She has went from Barbies to Schleich horses.  I dread the day when she no longer plays but I know it's coming.   So, I'll entertain this as long as I can.  

I'm sitting here at the computer in my house coat and I'm using this pedal thing I ordered.  We walk in the mall and also at the church gym but not everyday do we want to get out in the cold.  

I'm not very good at it.  In fact I'm rather awkward but it works for some exercise.  Sometimes I forget to make it move ha ha.

Spring Cleaning:

I've been trying to do Spring Cleaning as much as possible.  I want to be outside in the Spring so I want to be mostly done.  This week I've tackled the spice cabinet and underneath the bathroom sink.

We are expecting snow on Saturday.  Who knows how one really does.  This snow is not going to fall right for a snow day for the grandkids.  Most likely, it will be cleaned up before Monday.

What's going on where you are?  

 Thanks so much for helping to support Vickie's Kitchen and Garden**As a Amazon affiliate I earn a small percentage when you purchase items from one of my links (the item doesn't have to be what I have linked here).  My thred up link is also a refer a friend link.

Be sure to follow me on Facebook,and Bloglovin where I share my frugal list, gardening, recipes, Free Kindle books, and more!  You can also sign up for my email list on the top right hand side of the blog.

Friday, January 31, 2025

I have the Itch... to Plant


Yesterday was a great weather day-with a high near 45.  There is ice everywhere though so moving around can be downright dangerous.  

Funny story, my granddaughter was here in the living room one day and as she looked across the street she saw this young man fall down his icy steps.  He was fine and brushed off his pants, looked around, and walked off, but she said it was like watching at a real life tik tok.  Poor guy, I'm glad he doesn't know we saw that.  If it was me I would have broken a hip.

The nice weather though has me wanting to start seeds.   I did bring in one rack to get ready for it and I'm looking at my seeds but really it's too early here, except for onions and houseplants of course.  I have propagated a couple of wandering jews already and I have decided to plant onions ha ha.    

If you are getting the itch to plant too, old farmers almanac has a list, after you put in your zip code, of when you should start your plants.

The junk you see in the floor to the left is our Spring to do list, paint, a faucet to put in, etc. I need to calm down, now is the time for that stuff I guess.    

  Thanks so much for helping to support Vickie's Kitchen and Garden**As a Amazon affiliate I earn a small percentage when you purchase items from one of my links (the item doesn't have to be what I have linked here).  My thred up link is also a refer a friend link.

Be sure to follow me on Facebook,and Bloglovin where I share my frugal list, gardening, recipes, Free Kindle books, and more!  You can also sign up for my email list on the top right hand side of the blog.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Good Deals at the Farm Market 1/25/25!


We went to LJ's Farm Market in Lapeer MI and bought some great deals.

Strawberries-2 quarts for $3.00 (6)

Blueberries -1 pint for $1.00 (4)

Lettuce -$1.00

2 pints of cherry tomatoes -$1.00 each 


1 tomato ($1.36 -he had to have it)

Bag of radishes -$1.99

Total - $23.10

We passed up the wonderful looking breads and sweets.   That was hard.

I believes he goes to the Detroit Market and brings it back. I'm glad he does!   I paid cash -it's 3% to use a card here.  

  Thanks so much for helping to support Vickie's Kitchen and Garden**As a Amazon affiliate I earn a small percentage when you purchase items from one of my links (the item doesn't have to be what I have linked here).  My thred up link is also a refer a friend link.

Be sure to follow me on Facebook,and Bloglovin where I share my frugal list, gardening, recipes, Free Kindle books, and more!  You can also sign up for my email list on the top right hand side of the blog.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Cabin Fever Canning 1/21/25!


Our cat does not like this cold weather (it's 4 degrees this morning).  He has decided to sleep through this cold.

He loves going outside.  He goes with me to check on the chickens normally but he knows it's too cold for him now.   

In  order to combat cabin fever I decided to get with it and can.  Although sleeping sounds good too!   I finished the carrots we were given yesterday and today I'm on to the pinto beans.

I just let this thing go and I don't worry about it.  That part I love.  No more thinking it's going to fast or slow.  I just go about the house doing things I need to do.  

 Thanks so much for helping to support Vickie's Kitchen and Garden**As a Amazon affiliate I earn a small percentage when you purchase items from one of my links (the item doesn't have to be what I have linked here).  My thred up link is also a refer a friend link.

***If you are interested here is the link to the canner.   It's an investment for sure.  I'm weird I requested for my birthday/Christmas present.  

Be sure to follow me on Facebook,and Bloglovin where I share my frugal list, gardening, recipes, Free Kindle books, and more!  You can also sign up for my email list on the top right hand side of the blog.

Friday, January 17, 2025

Watching the Weather


My today's outside plans, after I mop the kitchen floor, is to put more bedding in the chicken coop, give them water and food (the food bin and electric water jug are big), and give them hay in their run.  We do have 2 to 3 inches of snow on the ground but after going outside to open up the coop (in my house coat) and forgetting my camera I decided this picture in the Fall will have to do.

The reason I'm making sure to do this today is the weather. Today (Friday) and tommorrow promise to be a balmy 35 then we go downhill.  Way down far down I'm worried about when we are going to get back up LOL.   

Mind you these are the highs.  

Let's see Sunday is a high of 15

Monday a high of 7

Tuesday a high of 3

Wednesday a high of 10

Thursday we are creeping back up to a high of 23

They call these alert days...I'm alerted. I always worry that Spring will never come...but it does.  

In the meantime...I have to pay the high energy bill (it's trending this month to $415)!  

How's the weather in your area?

  Thanks so much for helping to support Vickie's Kitchen and Garden**As a Amazon affiliate I earn a small percentage when you purchase items from one of my links (the item doesn't have to be what I have linked here).  My thred up link is also a refer a friend link.

Be sure to follow me on Facebook,and Bloglovin where I share my frugal list, gardening, recipes, Free Kindle books, and more!  You can also sign up for my email list on the top right hand side of the blog.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

When We Thought The World Was Going to End....


I was so proud of myself cleaning and painting the pantry this past week.  I stocked all my jars with  soup beans, lentils, black eye peas, kidney beans etc.   Looks kind of cool.  

Taking inventory of everything I realized we had more soup beans then we would ever need.  

Just look what I found:

Now, we have a deep believe that God would provide but he wants us to help him do that. No lazy people here.  So, when the pandemic hit we stocked up when we could, you know in case the world was going to end.  I guess one of the things we decided to overstock was soup (pinto) beans.  ha ha.  

Did we think that they wouldn't be able to grow any more soup beans,  the workers wouldn't be there to put them in bags, or that we wouldn't be able to get out to get them?  I'm not sure, we just kept getting more.  Oh boy do we have soup beans!  

I'll be canning soup beans soon but I hope the pantry needs soup beans because it's donation time.

  Thanks so much for helping to support Vickie's Kitchen and Garden**As a Amazon affiliate I earn a small percentage when you purchase items from one of my links (the item doesn't have to be what I have linked here).  My thred up link is also a refer a friend link.

Be sure to follow me on Facebook,and Bloglovin where I share my frugal list, gardening, recipes, Free Kindle books, and more!  You can also sign up for my email list on the top right hand side of the blog.