Tuesday, January 22, 2019

How I Spent Martin Luther King Day and What's Been on the Table 1/22/19!

"Everybody can be great...because anybody can serve." - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 

I was one of the 500 hundred people that volunteered to help pack up over 80,000 meals of soup and rice mixes for our local food pantry on Martin Luther King Day (yesterday). It was a fun day and it made me feel like I made a difference.  Just thinking that someone will get one of our mixes we packed and be able to serve their family within 15 minutes a nice hot soup, makes my heart feel good.   

Made me want to go home and get making soup mixes for my family.  I loved that it was all dehydrated and in a bag.   You could easily make something like this from your storage and put it in a jar.  A healthy convenient way to feed your family when life gets busy.  

They gave us boxed lunches to either take with us or sit at a table to eat.   I decided to just take it home being that I could just barely make it up the stairs to get out the door.  Seems like I made a big mistake and did not move around as much as I should while standing on the concrete floor.  I was stiff and walked like a zombie!  I know I heard those ladies by the door snicker.  Lesson learned.

Sleep is amazing in how it can heal.  By this morning I could actually move and with some pain cream I was ready to go.  Books are nice when you can't move.  Just saying.

Here is what has been and what will be on the table:

Sunday         Chicken, gravy, and mashed potatoes

Yesterday:   Tuna sandwiches and soup.  Daughter ate the sandwich meal I received for lunch while volunteering.  Husband looked at me and said in his southern accent "Let's just have tuna sandwiches today, I haven't had that in a long while."  He is like living with Andy Griffin and he knows just what to say!  

Today          Hamburger steak w/ green beans

Wednesday  Meatloaf and soup beans

What's been on your table?

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