Saturday, June 1, 2019

My Grocery Shopping Deal(s) This Week 6/1/19!

I started off getting good deals on Tuesday when I went to my local Rite Aid and shopped their clearance.   I got some great deals on snack foods for trips (I've got it hidden) and some pantry foods.  

Rite Aid:

2 jello puddings        .37 each
Box of Barilla Elbows          .67
Box of Annies Animal Crackers   $1.09
2 Bags of Quaker Cheddar Rice crisps    $1.97
1 box of Annie's Cheddar crisps  $2.00
Stretch Island Fruit Strips      $1.99

Total $10.52

Then from there on out it was Bacon Bacon Bacon! 

We went to the Amish store on Wednesday and bought Oscar Meyer bacon for 2 for $5.00.  We bought 10.   Then we went to Kroger this morning and bought 5 more Kroger Bacon for $2.99 each.  We are good on the bacon front!  

The Kroger bacon will be good in the beans and the Oscar Meyer bacon is real good for BLT's.

How did you do grocery shopping this week?

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Melissa Henderson said...

Awesome deals! Have a great week! :-)

Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

You have a great weekend too!

Lana said...

We hauled home lots of deals and mostly I have forgotten what. We hot four free mayo with iBotta. We got 2# boxes of thin spaghetti for .49 each limit 4. Also 4 packs of frozen Texas toast for .59 each limit 4. One store loaded z free carton of ice cream I my card for my birthday month so we got that. Lidl had whole chickens for .45 a pound but the freezer is too full to fit any in there so I had to pass on that. I did get a rotisserie chicken for 2.98 after $2 back from iBotta at Sam's.

Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

We need a Lidi! You got some great deals! It's great to stock on mayo..we use more in the summer that's for sure. Have a great day Lana!