Cats may seem smaller than they actually are in real life! |
I have decided I'm starting today. Yep, right this morning. I'm not watching so much news. The T.V. and the youtube has been going non-stop around here and it's going to slow down. I find myself watching Channel 25, 12, and 5 news and then the national. Then I go to youtube and find out more. You know, sometimes even Facebook can be too much news too.
So, I'm not going to stop watching news but I'm going to limit it. Maybe to once a day but it may be twice. I'm going to ask the husband to watch more Daniel Boone, Gold Rush, Mountain Man, and Andy Griffith. We are going to watch those things together, talk, and laugh as much as we can. I even started reading my book last night that's been waiting on a review! It's a good one!
Yes, I too find myself crying. Crying for the things I can't help (except for social distancing and handwashing). I'm so sad for all the people dying and our dire situation right now.
At odd times I find myself right down by my bedside on my knees praying. I've been doing some down right serious praying too. Just bringing all my worries and cares to God. I think that's the key.
I'll still keep you updated though on the things that are happening in my crazy world right now and I want you to tell me about yours too! This I can handle. We need to support one another and I want you to know that I'm praying for you!
If you want to, leave a comment and let me know how everything is going in your neck of the woods.
Yeah! Amazon audible is free right now till school reopens. These are children stories and they do help!
![The Other You (Heart of Africa) by [Ueckermann, Marion]](
The Other You (Heart of Africa)
![Like a Watered Garden: First of a Trilogy (The Garden Gate Series Book 1) by [Hill, Patti]](
Like a Watered Garden: First of a Trilogy (The Garden Gate Series Book 1)
![Chain of Mercy (Coming Home Book 1) by [Anderson, Brenda S.]](
Chain of Mercy (Coming Home Book 1)
Also Free:
I'll be back on Monday!
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I agree limiting news. It's too scary. I am not a news junkie. I have been refreshing CNN almost a dozen times a day. Then I go over to NBC News, my local news- both stations, the newspaper online, Health Department, CDC. It needs to stop. I am freaking myself out. I already have anxiety, PTSD & OCD. I did the YouTube thing to.
It is scary times. It makes it more scary because of social media. Going to concentrate on my fur babies and my DH. Enjoy Spring cleaning.
Is that your furbaby? She is precious.
Yes he is a big cat. This picture made him look much smaller!
Sounds like you have more than 1 furbaby to love. They will love the attention and so will DH!
We can do this!
I am trying to limit news as well - it is all depressing and they really have nothing new to add - Just sadness.
I love watching more upbeat things as well. I have been watching more cooking shows (love the kids baking shows), some DIY stuff - love Barnwood Builders and Salvage Dogs.
Just finding more uplifting shows. I have even started watching the Big Bang Theory (never watched before) and Golden Girls - they make me laugh.
Enjoy you viewing.
We love the Big bang Theory and the Golden Girls. Both are great to lift your spirits and make you laugh. We also watch the cooking shows, hardwood of my favorites is Maine Cabin Master's. Good shows anything besides news 24 hours!
Enjoy your watching too!
I stopped watching the news a lot many years ago. I'm anxious by nature and it was one of the things I put into place to help manage the anxiety and live a more peaceful life. We are so far removed from other people living so rurally that our day to day life has honestly gone mostly unchanged. Although I did experience the items needed shortage over the last couple of days and am vowing to just manage without it until it's back in stock at the same time I'm in the store. My heart hurts for all of those who can't just "get along" without items they may be out of and can't get. I wish the entire population could have just remained calm in regards to the food and needed items.
I spent time today working in the garden getting it ready for sring planting, and that was a soothing balm for my mind! Praying for the entire world, and I hope everyone here has peace and joy each day!
I wish what you do Jenny! Working in the garden is a great way to reduce stress..I'm going outside right now to finish trimming the lavender. Have a great day!
I stopped watching the news many years ago too. My life is so much better for it.
A while back we had a line of storms coming through & needed to see the local weather because it was tornado season ...our internet was not working that day. So we sat down to watch & it was almost comical. Seriously the drama! It was like watching a movie or actors serious, unbiased presenting of the facts at all....just emotional, dramatic presentations with constant exclamations of personal opinions....we laughed at first but then it was just sickening it was so ridiculous. If you watch it all the time it will seem normal & the fear will seem real. If you step away & seriously look at the facts you'll be surprised at how easily people can be influenced.
I highly recommend reading your news...never watching. At least if you read then it you won't be quite so influenced by personal opinion. But you still need to look at facts....look at who is talking, how they say much of that will affect how it all comes across.
For a week, I checked the coronavirus map once a day...just facts, no opinions. I also checked my state map for awhile as well. But I've stopped doing that even. I'm staying home, taking care of my family, going to social media for help if I can't find something I need & going on with daily life. It's all we can do whether we are afraid or not. Why not live your life without carrying all that fear? Deal with things as they come....don't carry tomorrow's fears today. Fears that may never come to you anyway.
I'm not saying it's not very serious or scary. But do what you can do, let go of what you can't do & be confident in the choices you've made for your family.
I've done well because I have stayed home. But I did a Walmart pick up yesterday & it was the first time I felt serious fear because people in my community are not staying home. But I did not turn on any news & didn't read any updates. And that's what I'll do so that I can be level headed to deal with whatever comes.
Hugs to you ...I know what it means to be overwhelmed with fear so I hope you are able to let it go.
Good points Jenny..that's all we can do just what we can. No people are not staying home here either. I love that Walmart is doing pick up ..some of our stores here have quit pickup.
Less news and grandchildren spending the night as made me much better!
Have a great day!
Good morning Vickie, I read your blog last night and prayed for you. I quit watching the news years ago. I think it is more calming to get my news in bites from people I trust online without saturating my mind with hype from the television. When I was doing my Bible study and worship at home this morning (no church at this time), I came across a favorite song that you might find comforting
It's been a very calm Sunday without so much news. Thanks Kay for the song..can't wait to listen.
Oh Cheryl, Salvage Dawgs is in my neck of the woods. We have visited Black Dog Salvage, and it is so cool to wander around. They have a section of nothing but doors with another section called more doors. My son said "one doesn't simply walk into more doors. " LOTR reference. :D
I love that they are preserving the history of the area.
What a sweet kitty!
I'm going to join you and limit my news. Definitely need to pray more.
My house will be getting a good spring cleaning, and maybe we can get some painting and other jobs done.
Hope you have a good week.
I would love to go there and visit. It would be such fun to just see everything they have. I love that anyone keeps and preserves the history and the past.
I like Maine Cabin Masters too. I binge watch that.
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