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I've decided this past week just to ignore everything in the morning and take some time to read. This means I ignore the mess in the living room and kitchen, ignore the gardens, and just try not to think of what needs to be done. I go out on the front porch (it's mostly hidden), take my cereal and coffee then read a book for 20 to 30 minutes. I'm out there around 6 a.m. and it's just peaceful and cool. It's just me and my cat (I can't figure out how to get away from him).
Yes, I'm out there in my housecoat. I'm a old lady with an housecoat on, ha ha. I actually got caught this morning with it on outside when I took out a bag of trash to the curb. Yep, the neighbor across the street caught me. She just smiled and went on.
Don't get me wrong I love it when my house is clean and I try to keep it clean all the time but I just recently realized who's going to see it except family? So, if a dish is in the sink who cares? It will get done before the health department comes. Well I hope they don't come for another hour.
Jokes aside, don't forget to take time for yourself. A walk in the woods, read a book, relax with a cup of coffee, and don't forget to breathe! We all need to get away from the news of the day.
What is happening in your neck of the woods today?
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Amish doing their normal living... gardens, fields, animals etc.... neighbor is over due with number 9, she's had false labor 3 times now.Hubby still doing some hauling for the Amish, not much in the pallet area as the factories aren't up like before. He is moving farming equipment instead.The Amish are trying to rotate through the haulers so everyone gets a bit of work. We are retired so Hubby just takes on enough to break even so the two needing it to make their living can get more of it. Getting ready to set up the hoop house to plant for fall crops and hopefully something during the winter.
Oh like I said before Chef, you live in a beautiful area. I could see the countryside with your comment.
#9 I can't imagine! I hope she has it soon.
Have a great day!
We have taken that attitude toward the house for perhaps too long! LOL! We usually eat breakfast on the screen porch and it is so nice out there in the morning. We have a birdhouse with baby blue birds about 20 feet from the porch and have been enjoying watching the parents come with food and the clamor of FEED ME chirping. Every year we are amazed at how short the time is between when we hear baby birds and they leave the nest and the clamor of chirping is over. Every so often we get to see them learning to fly which is really fun. We are hoping this batch doesn't fly away while we are gone to visit our son this weekend.
Oh that sounds so nice Lana. A screened in porch is no good unless you enjoy it. I'm going to put a bird house now by my porch.
Thanks for the is hard to find time alone now with husband working at home as much as he can & the grandkid here. And this week I have the grandkid & his 3 yr old cousin; my dil's nephew. Real fun times.
If it kills me I try my best to pick up in the evenings so I get up to a clean kitchen. Then I almost never get up to a clean kitchen because my husband always beats me up, cooks breakfast & leaves the mess for me. I know that sounds bad...he really is a stellar husband so I'm not going to moan at him about one meal of dishes scattered around the kitchen but I'd love to be able to cook without cleaning first.
Sounds nice!
I need to relax more as the news makes me so tense.
I watched the news and was very saddened last night. It's up d r grabs if I watch it tonight.
Yes, yes. We need to take time to relax and breathe. Have a wonderful week! :-)
Aww I understand completely and I hope you can make some time for yourself. Youngest daughter and husband both can make a mess at night after I go to sleep. I don't say much either cause they are both great. I'm just ignoring it for a few minutes every morning..if I can.
I have tuned out much of the news; limiting my exposure seems to help. I had been very busy catching up on farm stuff that has been waiting on my arm to heal, but now my old back problem is back in spades. The chiro said 2 weeks and he would have back to normal. Just one visit today made things bearable anyway. So time for some slower things for me. And reading.
Lol, our porch is so not peaceful. Farm country is busy in the early hours.
You have a wonderful week too Melissa!
Oh take it easy..I'm glad you have a great doctor.
Listen you just destroyed my whole vision I had of farm life!
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