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We stopped at a roadside stand last night on our ride and were so excited to find Ears of Corn for 10/$1.00! We bought 50 ears. Whoo hoo! We shucked them last night and now today I'm going to freeze corn for this coming winter. We'll have some for dinner too!
You know I've seen corn here from 3/$1.00 to .50 each. What's the price of corn in your area?
Destiny in the Dust Storms (My Name Will Never Fade Book 1)
Murder on the Third Try (A Pastor Matt Hayden Mystery Book 3)
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Wow great deal on the corn! Won't it taste good for dinner and this winter. Enjoy!
Last I checked, corn was 5 for $2 here.
Have a good weekend.
Oh wow! I'm jealous! Corn is .50 to .79 an ear here. Everything is crazy expensive as far as produce goes except for at Aldi. I looked for a bushel of green beans to can and they are $50-70! No way!
Yes we will love it this winter! We're thinking about going back tonight and get more.
Oh man sounds like they are price gouging for sure. I don't blame you for not buying them. I bet you'll find a deal somewhere for sure!
Yum! Oh how I miss corn. It's something that my husband cannot eat because of his much starch. I need to keep my eye open for some though because I can eat it. Occasionally over the past few years I'll buy two or three ears from a roadside stand, nuke them in the microwave then shuck them. It's so good.
I got up early this morning to spread manure on a few flower beds. The midsize gardener has inspired me. I was out super early....before beat the rain. And it's rained all day. Yeah!
I'm doing laundry, decluttering & processing some fruit.
Corn is so good but might be wise for us to limit our intake.
Inspiration is always a great thing Jenny. Naps are a blessing afterwards.
Wow! You can't beat that price. I got a couple of dozen, but not that cheaply. My friend and I, on a lark, made corn cob jelly with the remains. It was really unusual, but good!
Man that corn cob jelly kind of sounds good. I'm looking that recipe up!
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