Friday, July 26, 2024

Book Review of Ambush in the Mountain by Mary Alford Plus a Giveaway!

Ambush in the Mountains JustRead Blog Tour

Welcome to the Blog Tour for Ambush in the Mountains by Mary Alford, hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!

About the Book

Ambush in the Mountains

Title: Ambush in the Mountains
Author: Mary Alford
Love Inspired Suspense
Release Date:
July 23, 2024
Romantic Suspense

Innocent lives at stake… 

Can a former soldier and his canine save them? 

Helping a pregnant woman he comes across in a mountain storm puts Axel Sterling right into the path of ruthless human traffickers. Now it’s up to the ex-soldier and his dog to keep Summer and her unborn baby safe from the abductors she’s finally escaped. But between the icy wilderness and the armed gunmen following them at every turn, one wrong move could cost Axel and Summer their lives.  

From Love Inspired Suspense: Courage. Danger. Faith.  

PURCHASE LINKS: Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | ChristianBook | Bookshop | BookBub

My thoughts:

Terrible things can happen and they did to Summer when she believed what a evil man had to say.  This fast paced suspenseful book follows her as she runs as fast as she could away from human traffickers.  Summer finally found the courage to run but it took faith to put her trust in Axel and his dog who only wanted to help.

The descriptions made me feel as though I was there with Summer and Axel as they tried to get to safety in blizzard conditions.  I could feel the cold of the blinding snow as they almost went off a cliff and I felt how scared they were as they seen lights from the enemy  approaching.  The danger was always around the corner as they tried to get to safety. 

The suspense kept me turning the pages and I never wanted to put the book down even for a minute.  What a great book!  

About the Author

Mary Alford

Mary Alford is a USA Today bestselling author who loves giving her readers the unexpected, combining unforgettable characters with unpredictable plots that result in stories the reader can't put down. Her titles have been finalists for several awards, including the Daphne Du Maurier, the Beverly, the Maggie, and the Selah. She and her husband live in the heart of Texas in the middle of 70 acres with two cats and one dog.

Connect with Mary at to follow her on social media and sign up for email updates.

Tour Giveaway

(1) winner will win a $50 Amazon gift card and a print copy of Ambush in the Mountains!

Ambush in the Mountains JustRead Tours blog giveaway

Full tour schedule linked below. The giveaway begins at midnight July 22, 2024 and will last through 11:59 PM EST on July 29, 2024. Winners will be notified within 2 weeks of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or risk forfeiture of prize. US only. Void where prohibited by law or logistics.

Giveaway is subject to JustRead Publicity Tours Giveaway Policies.

Enter Giveaway

Follow along at JustRead Tours for a full list of stops!

JustRead Publicity Tours
I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author. All views expressed are only my honest opinion

Sunday, July 21, 2024

How We Saved Over $200.00 this Past Week!

Groceries are high but we try to combat it by getting the deals here and there.  We shop at multiple stores some weeks if we have the time.  I know this might not work for everyone with a busy schedule though but if it saves money it's worth a few extra minutes.


We had a new store for us (Dashmart) come on the Flashfood app and I was able to get Nathan's hot dogs for $2.55 (5 of them) and 2- 1 lb of butter for $2.99 each.  A savings of $18.00.

The very next day there was a $5.00 off $10.00 code for that store and I bought Dr. Pepper (12 pk) for $4.99 grandson (he loves that stuff), two lunchables for granddaughter at $2.14, and  Heinz tomato no sugar ketchup for $2.00.  All for $6.83.  A savings that day of around $15.00

If you haven't downloaded and use the app for Flashfood before you can use my code VICK36PZH and if you spend over $10 we both get $5.00 in rewards.


Not wanting to dig our potatoes just yet we happened across a deal at Sam's for 10 lbs of baking potatoes for $5.00.  We bought 2.

I am curious how the potatoes are growing so we might dig a mess of new potatoes soon.  We're a little worried about rot after all this rain we had.  

At least $10.00 saved.

Free Installation

Well one day the microwave just quit.   I think I mentioned it to you before how it just was over and done.  It lasted 10 years so not too bad.  We finally bought a microwave (an over the stove one) and they said it would be $200 to install.  Almost has much money as the microwave itself!  Husband spent a day taking down the old one and installing the new one.  A lot of trouble he said but worth it.

How's it going at your house?  How have you saved this week?

Thanks so much for helping to support Vickie's Kitchen and Garden**As a Amazon affiliate I earn a small percentage when you purchase items from one of my links (the item doesn't have to be what I have linked here). 

Be sure to follow me on Facebook where I share free ebooks,and Bloglovin where I share my frugal list, gardening, recipes, and more!  You can also sign up for my email list on the top right hand side of the blog


Friday, July 12, 2024

If You Want to Keep Your Shoes, Stay Out of the Garden!

The remants of Hurricane Beryl came through our area a couple of days ago.   Can you believe those winds and rain came all the way up to Michigan?  We received about 4 to 5 inches of rain.  It poured.  Some people received 6 inches.  So my garden is just soaked and in the back it had standing water.  My house though did not flood and I'm so thankful for that.

My suggestion is:  if you want to keep your shoes, stay out of the garden!  

Did you ever come across a wild animal in your garden and they look at you, like what are doing here?   If you can see it,  this rabbit seems to be saying that to me.   Stared at me for a long time before it hopped away.  

My tomatoes are coming along great and I picked my first zucchini yesterday. My zucchini are on the edge of the garden in a raised bed, so I was able to pick it.   One zucchini..I'm debating what to do with it.

So, I haven't let my young chicks out in awhile because they would not go back in their run.  Just imagine two old people trying to catch four little hens.  It was comical!  

Day after day, I would let the older ones out to roam the back yard and I kept the younger ones in.  It was kind of sad for them. Yesterday, I took a chance (since husband was here to help if needed) and let them run around the back yard.   They flapped their wings in joy but stayed all together like a family.  It was kind of scary at first but they came back to the run and wanted their meal worm treat. They finally got it!   They are growing up!

A Merry Heart doeth good like medicine:  but a broken spirit drieth the bones.  Proverbs 17:22

Friday, July 5, 2024

Harvesting, Tilling, Planting, and new Appliances!

I harvested the garlic this week.  There are some big heads on them so I'm happy.   

I also harvested some carrots..well actually I thinned them out and used these in a roast.

It's been awhile since we used the small rototiller, the Earthquake.  Husband got it out and got through two rows of tomatoes before it quit.  Needs a new carb, he said.  I think fixing the machines is half the job of homesteading.
We also put up a new birdhouse and planted Holly bushes in the front.  We decided on Holly after visiting Applewood.    We still need mulch and fix the bricks around the tree and bush on each side of the window.  It never ends!  

In the house we bought a new fridge (so glad) and now we need a new microwave.  It was time for them both.

What did we do before microwaves to heat up things?   I remember we didn't have one for a little while into our marriage.  They sure are handy!  

How's it going at your house?

Thanks so much for helping to support Vickie's Kitchen and Garden**As a Amazon affiliate I earn a small percentage when you purchase items from one of my links (the item doesn't have to be what I have linked here). 

Be sure to follow me on Facebook where I share free ebooks,and Bloglovin where I share my frugal list, gardening, recipes, and more!  You can also sign up for my email list on the top right hand side of the blog

Friday, June 28, 2024

Going Local, the Weedy Garden, and Free flowers!

What do you do when the doc says no traveling?  You go local.  We paid a visit to Stepping Stone Falls.  I did not go down the stairs but of course I've been there before.  Beautiful as always. Then a stop by the ice cream shop and we were good.

Today, we are going down to the Mott Estate, Applewood.  What a beautiful place.  You can learn so much there and have a wonderful time.

The weedy garden:  

Husbands prize potatoes!  

I have a cuke!  

Tomatoes are coming on the vine!  

Everyday I go out there and weed at least one row of beans or what ever.  Today, husband said he will till in between the tomatoes while we are gone.  I left him specific instructions. He gets a  little wild with the tiller.

I received a flat of flowers for free (senior citizen) -they want to beautify our city.  I decided on snapdragons and planted them among the zinnias in the garden.  

It's very cool here now for the time being.  I left a lasagna with some more instructions in the fridge.  

How's it going at your house?

Thanks so much for helping to support Vickie's Kitchen and Garden**As a Amazon affiliate I earn a small percentage when you purchase items from one of my links (the item doesn't have to be what I have linked here). 

Be sure to follow me on Facebook where I share free ebooks,and Bloglovin where I share my frugal list, gardening, recipes, and more!  You can also sign up for my email list on the top right hand side of the blog

Friday, June 21, 2024

Great Herb Hack, Best Garage Sale Find, and It's hot!


This week I harvested herbs like lavender, garlic scapes, chives, dill, and  thyme.   I put them in silicone bags in the fridge, ready to use when needed. 

The only herb that I have  growing in the ground is dill.  I got the plant from the free plant swap I went to about a month ago.   I chopped up the dill and it flavored my tuna very well.  Tasted just like there was a pickle mixed in.  Great herb hack!  

I made a lavendar room deodorizer with baking soda and lavendar that I dried a couple of weeks ago.   

We found this hammock at a garage sale yesterday for $25.00.   Can't find me?  This is where I will be, relaxing with a book! 

Little chickens deciding which way to China is cooler.  Man it's hot here!  

How's it going at your house?

Thanks so much for helping to support Vickie's Kitchen and Garden**As a Amazon affiliate I earn a small percentage when you purchase items from one of my links (the item doesn't have to be what I have linked here). 

Be sure to follow me on Facebook where I share free ebooks,and Bloglovin where I share my frugal list, gardening, recipes, and more!  You can also sign up for my email list on the top right hand side of the blog

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Hanging Baskets Dead? Try This


Husband had a lot going on while I was gone for 5 days in the hospital.   I bet he didn't even know that there were two hanging baskets in the flower weed garden, poor man.  

I saw them when we first drove up and didn't say a word.  I mean what are two hanging baskets in the scheme of things.   It wasn't till the next day I decided to try and save them.

We were draining the little pool so he could mow the lawn and I put them in the water.  
The water covered their pots and I left them in there overnight.

By the next morning they are revived.  Probably not as glorious as when I first bought them but pretty none the less.

Give it a try!  

How's it going at your house?

Thanks so much for helping to support Vickie's Kitchen and Garden**As a Amazon affiliate I earn a small percentage when you purchase items from one of my links (the item doesn't have to be what I have linked here). 

Be sure to follow me on Facebook,and Bloglovin where I share my frugal list, gardening, recipes, Free Kindle books, and more!  You can also sign up for my email list on the top right hand side of the blog