Wednesday, February 10, 2016

5 Frugal Tips to Make Painting a Breeze

Easy trips that make painting both easy and frugal!

One of our home projects this year will be painting and wallpapering the bathroom.  The wall paper is on order so I'm buying the paint today and will soon be getting busy with that dreaded job of painting.  I keep telling myself: it will all be worth it in the end. 

I've done my share of painting over the years and I've picked up a few tips that help make painting a breeze.

5 Frugal Tips to Make Painting a Breeze

1.  Keep old rags.  Instead of throwing away old dish towels, wash clothes, etc. keep them for painting days. Have one handy when you need a fast clean up from the paint dripping.

2.  Paint in old clothes. Don't give away all of your old clothes. Keep some for painting days.  I tend to paint more of me than the wall sometimes.  Okay..... most of the time.

Using aluminum to wrap used paint brushes -never would have thought!

3.  Have aluminum foil handy.   You can use aluminum foil that to help keep brushes moist until they are used again or cleaned.  I have even lined the paint roller pan with aluminum foil for easy cleanup. 

Don't forget to save plastic containers!

4.  Save empty food containers.  To make small trimming jobs easier save clean, empty food containers to hold small amounts of paint.  Placing a rubber band around them helps take off excess paint on the brush.  

5.  Have a plan for dinner.  You will get hungry!   Put something in the crock pot, eat a previously frozen meal, or have coupons ready for take out!

Do you have any tips to make painting easier?

The After picture of the Bathroom

You can see how our bathroom remodel turned out here.  

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This post has been linked to Share the Wealth Sunday, Clever Chicks Blog Hop, Good Morning Monday, Wonderful Wednesday, Financially Savvy Saturday, 

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