Sunday, July 8, 2018

My Frugal Ways this Past Week 7/8/18!

We are enjoying cooler weather these last few days. It has made it so much easier to get things done and we are loving it!  

Here are the ways I've saved and built up our house this last week:

I planted some of my marigolds from the garden in this tin I found at a garage sale.  

Last night I looked at the Aldi ad for the next week and decided I wanted to buy 3 of the succulents in a tin for $4.99.  Then I realized I could do that myself. I have more hens and chicks (succulents) than I know what to do with and had pots already filled with soil.  They are not in a tin but I'm ok with that! I saved close to $15.00.  

We went to McDonald's after a hard morning working at my daughter's.  We ordered 2 sausages and 2 eggs a piece plus two senior coffees.  The total came to $11.00.  We changed our mind and came back home to warm up the sausages I had cooked and froze, and I scrambled some eggs.  It was done in a jiffy.  You know, sometimes I think we just miss going to McDonald's. 

Filled out Kroger survey for more fuel rewards.  

I've hung the laundry to dry every load.  Our dryer is by the kitchen so this really helped with keeping the house cooler too.   

I ordered 20 free prints from Snapfish for free (thanks Vicky).  

I made liquid soap from the soap slivers I have been saving.  I will use this to refill our foaming soap dispensers.   

We stopped by a small vegetable stand and I bought 3 large zucchini's for a dollar and some cucumbers.  Mine are still not ready in my garden yet.   

I sanded then stained the tops of the living room end tables.  Probably not the most professional job done but it's an remarkable improvement.  I just had to try because I love these end tables and I had nothing to lose but the $5.00 I paid for the little jar of stain.  

Everyone will use a coaster now and there is a dolly where the lamps set.  Just a warning 😠


Just a word of caution: do not use stain close to the siding of the house like I did!  I had to run to get a wet rag and get it off quick.  Whew!  He will never know (he doesn't read my blog).

My goals for next week:

Help clean up the corner of our lot.  That is where things go when we don't know what to do with them.  There are a lot of odds and ends there. 

If it's cooler this week, I hope to sit in the backyard more and read a book!  

What are the ways you've saved this past week?  

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