Thursday, December 13, 2018

3 Devotional Book Reviews by Elle Claire: The Earth Is the Lord's, and Everything In It: 365-Day Devotional Journal, Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus (365-Day Devotional Journals), and Peace Begins with Me Journal: A 365-Day Devotional Journal (365 Devotional Journals)

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All three of these wonderful devotional books have beautiful covers that will entice you to pick them up and start journalling.  High quality hard cover books that each have their own bookmark to help keep your place.  The marbled effect on Peace Begins with Me is perfect with it's calming waves of green, the floral design on Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus makes me think of taking a walk through his garden, and the cover of  The earth is the Lord's and Everything In It with the beautiful peacocks on the cover reminds me everything and everyone matters to him.   Each devotional page is adorned with part of the cover design also.  Strong sturdy pages will have you writing your thoughts to your heart's content.

 Peace Begins with Me Journal

Peace Begins with Me Journal: A 365-Day Devotional Journal (365 Devotional Journals)

We pray for peace. We beg for it from others. We make speeches about it. But in the end, the only peace most of us can control is that little portion we display for the world to see. If we are at peace, the chaos around us seems to calm down. Our peace affects others. And the Giver of peace awaits to give us the gift that can change our world. It begins with a prayer. It begins with me.

My thoughts: 

This devotional speaks right to your heart and makes you think how we need to slow down and just praise the Lord.  With that we can accept his gift of peace and spread it to others.  

My favorite devotional listed in the Peace Begins with Me Journal, was the Best is Yet to Come Phillipians 3:21.   Just think of that verse when your wore out and tired from fighting your every day battles. We will someday soon be praising the Lord with a brand new mind and body! Just imagining that will go along ways to help provide the peace you need.  

After I had a peek inside I was excited to be able to give this devotional to one of my good close friends for Christmas (I have two).  I hope she will have a wonderful year of reading each devotional and writing down her thoughts. 

Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus (365-Day Devotional Journals) (Lifestyle Journals)

A 365-day devotional journal to help you spend time with Jesus through quiet time, prayers, and reflection.
When life gets busy, it's easy to forget to spend time with God. This 365-day devotional journal offers encouraging meditations to help you spend a few moments turning your eyes on Jesus before your hectic day begins. After short devotions and Scripture for each day of the year, you will also find light journaling lines and ample space to record your thoughts, hopes, and prayers -- just what you need to start each and every day with the reminder that God is always by your side

My thoughts:

Some times we are so busy we don't think we have time for God but this devotional give us smaller quick powerful messages each day to think about.  Turn Your Eyes will make you feel like you spent quality time with God in just a few minutes of your day. It makes the song,  Turn your Eyes upon Jesus...  Look full in his wonderful face, come to life.  

I loved reading the devotional Making the Bible Your Own, Psalms: 1-3.  Read the bible and consider what it means.  Spend time studying and not just reading the words.  It's better to understand and put it in to practice in your life than reading the Bible in a year.  

After I had a peek inside I was excited to be able to give this devotional to one of my good close friends for Christmas (I have two).  I hope she will have a wonderful year of reading each devotional and writing down her thoughts. 

 The Earth Is the Lord's, and Everything In It: 365-Day Devotional Journal (Devotional Journals)

The Earth Is the Lord's, and Everything In It: 365-Day Devotional Journal (Devotional Journals) 

From the small whisper of a snowflake to the large circumference of a baobab tree, all of nature is the creative expression of God. When we embrace His creative nature by taking the time to stop, notice, and connect, our hearts are encouraged and souls refreshed. Respond to the devotions, add your own creative writing, or keep track of prayers on the journaling lines.

My thoughts:  

The Earth Is the Lord's, and Everything In It: 365-Day Devotional Journal has a little different take then normal.  On each page your given an current day short story along with a corresponding bible verse.  They are like mini sermons to me.  The stories so far have spoke to my heart and I've wrote down so many things that have happened to my life   The very first page, Peacocks of Happiness, made me remember all those little things that have brightened my life this past week.  There was a lot when I thought about it.  The Bible verse given that day was perfect: Many, Lord my God, are the wonders you have done, the things you planned for us. Psalms 40:5

These are just the right stories to get my mind rolling and remember the wonders of his love.  With so many thoughts to write on each days devotional, my only complaint so far is that I feel like it needs more journaling lines.

know this journal starts in the new year but I couldn't wait till then.  Really, you can start it at any time of year and on any page you that speaks to you.  So don't put off starting this devotional till next year!  

I received these books free from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. 

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