Monday, August 5, 2019

My Menu Plan for this Week 8/5/19!

I did a number when we went fishing last Friday.  My face was sunburned really good   bad.  I used sun protection and then put on my oil of olay on my face.  I always buy the kind with spf protection in it, except this time I didn't. Well, I looked like a lobster on Friday, a red tomato on Saturday, someone who doesn't have enough sense to stay out of the sun on Sunday, and today I'm looking almost back to normal.  As normal as you can get I guess. To top it all off we didn't even get a bite, not one bite.    

That sunburn zapped all the energy out of me it seemed like.   Oh, I kept going but it was at a Grandma rate of speed.   What can I say, I'm going to take it easy today again.  Just put some hot dogs on the grill and warm up some coney sauce from the freezer.  There is also some potato salad in the fridge too if they want it.  They will be fed!  

Here is what I plan to put on the dinner table this week:

Monday             Hot Dogs with Coney Island Hot Dog Sauce

Tuesday             Burritos (low carb tortilla)

Wednesday        Grilled Chicken with salad

Thursday           Chicken and Dumplings

Friday                Steak and a salad

Saturday            Leftover steak fajitas

Sunday              Out to eat

What's on your menu this week?

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Little Penpen said...

Yikes! sorry about your lobster face... I've done it! I remember calling out of work a long time ago because I had burned my arm pits so bad. lol Your hotdog looks good... we are eating chili tonight; hubby loves it year round.

Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

I wanted to make soup this week but it's been so hot during the day that i think no one will eat it. I need to just try it and see if they go for it or not. Sunburns are some bad stuff thats for sure!

tealady said...

I am so excited to make the chicken and dumplings, long story short I've only had dumplings once in my life and it has to have been 40 years ago my foster mother made them and they were doughy and disgusting. My husband loves them and the only reason I'm trying them again is because you have never given a dish that didn't turn out. Also will be making the coney sauce I love a good coney dog, here in Wisconsin we like a good coney dog also.

Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

oh I'm a little nervous now tealady. I hope that you love my dumplings. If they are good or if you have any problems with my recipe let me know. With the coney island hot dog sauce I make a bunch up and freeze it. It just takes a little for us so I'm ready to go when I'm lazy!
Have a great day.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry about your sunburn. Ouch :( I've had good luck using apple cider vinegar and water on my face when I've gotten too much sun. Have you ever used it? I don't really measure but guess it's about a cup of water mixed with a tablespoon of ACV.
I wet a paper towel and then dab it all over my burn and let it dry. Repeating through out the evening. I feel it helps take away the sting and some of the redness the next day.

Your hot dogs look delicious. A perfect summer dish. :)

Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

oh I should have known to try something! I'm going to write this down for the next time I do something crazy. Thanks so much Evie!