“Going Home” is a new series that follows an inspiring team of nurses who help guide patients and loved ones on the ultimate journey – one of transition from this world to their forever home. Time is short as the team of nurses must help the clients find the peace they are looking for with compassion and dignity. You will want to stream this powerful and moving show about family, faith and salvation as one journey ends and another begins.
Everyone has a calling from God and nurse Charley’s purpose is to help people transition from this world to their forever home. Watch this heartfelt series that will inspire you to think deeper about your relationships and how you can live well with the time we’re all blessed with. God gives everyone a calling – and for Charley, it’s to help families during one of the most difficult times of their lives.
With themes of courage, forgiveness, and faith, “Going Home” is a show you won’t want to miss!
My Review:
This first of episode "Going Home" was the most loving, heart tugging show that I've watched in quite awhile. In a hospice type setting, the nurses help the patients come to the end of their life with compassion and care. Hopefully, they can bring them and their families to an understanding so that loose ends can be resolved. Really it makes me think of the great blessing that is and that some of us never get this chance.
For a lot of families, it's hard to have the courage to accept that death is near, it's so easy to just ignore and hope for the best. It's so very hard to talk about, especially to the one who is dying. This series brings all that out into the open and with God's help brings the family together.
I'm afraid I wouldn't last long on their team, my heart just couldn't stand it. I know there are nurses that do this everyday and I'm so thankful for them.
Make sure to have a box of tissue ready!
Giveaway: One 3-month Pure Flix subscription! Giveaway is limited to US winners only
Many thanks to Pure Flix for providing a sample of the product for this review. Opinions are 100% my own.
Running errands with my husband. It was good to get out and do something together!
Seeing my wife this morning always brings me joy
I saw the preview of this film and wanted to watch it until I realized I needed a subscription. It sounds so good. Thank you for having the giveaway. Selfishly, I hope I win. LOL
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