Saturday, April 29, 2023

Frugal Friday on Saturday 4/29/23!


I went to Tractor Supply and Family Farm and Home and was amazed at how much Meal Worms for my chickens cost.   The price for a one pound bag of mealworms normally (without a sale) is $27.00!   At Tractor Supply one of the sales people came up to me and asked did I need help.  Now, I've been there many times but she was so nice I acted like I did need help.  She showed me the mealworms and they had them on sale for $14.00 but they were sold out.  Well, no wonder! So, she offered me 2-10oz bags for $20 and I took that deal!  Yeah!  

Now, I have to admit I'm heavy handed with the mealworms.   I grab a couple of handfulls and throw them at the chickens.  I will go through a bag a month and this month I ran out before the month was over!  That's how I get them back in the coop.  I was telling my husband this story and how I hate the thoughts of raising mealworms (Bugs), he told me to put some feed in the meal worm bag and mix it. 

I took his advice and so far it's been a good thing.  The chickens race around looking for the worms and don't seem to mind that there are not as many.  It's a good thing!  

Husband plowed the garden this past week the day before we started this unending rain.  He will plow again before we plant near the end of May, Memorial Weekend (Michigan).

After he was done I quickly planted green onions and lettuce.

 I already planted the bigger onions in the middle of my garlic a couple of weeks ago.  

I threw netting over my peach tree this past week.   Look at all those blooms!  I so want more than one peach.  The squirrel and the birds love them too.  

In the two little cold frame green houses:  

Cabbage is growing growing that I planted out there from seed.  I'm also growing Marigolds to go in between the cabbages.  Last year it seemed to help keep the worms at bay.

My tomato plants are getting bigger.  I hope they get a lot bigger but I have about 4 weeks left.  I have about 20 in all but I trying to start more.  Is it too late?  

How's everything at your house?  

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Rhonda said...

It’s good you’ve got tomatoes started. We shopped for little vegetable plants yesterday in Oklahoma, they were $5.98 EACH at 3 different stores for the 3 inch pot size 😵‍💫

Anonymous said...

Everything looks great! We are running late on everything because it just won't warm up. Now we are all mud after 6 inches of rain on Thursday . Have a good weekend!

Belinda said...

We are doing pretty good here. We were shocked at the price of the mealworms too. How nice of the employee to give you a deal! And a great tip from your DH to stretch those mealworms. Chickens are so much fun. Kudos on your garden start. The netting on the peach tree is a great idea. We have to fight the squirrels for ours too. The lady who blogs at My Frugal Home takes paper bags and staple them over her grape blossoms to keep the birds away. It’s a really good idea.

Cheryl Kimbley said...

Smart idea on mixing the lea worms with other feed. That will stretch it out.
I still haven't plowed - maybe in a week or so.
Have a nice weekend.

Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

Rhonda, I wonder what ours will cost. The nurseries just opened up but it's too early really to buy. I'll be buying some pretty flowers soon so I'll be checking it out.

Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

I hear you on the mud anonymous...after our rain it's mud city. We just had one day to decide to mow the lawn then plow the garden. Then we passed out the next two days LOL! Hope it all dries up for you soon.

Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

Belinda, I love the paper bag good for my apples maybe?

Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

The ground is still so cold and now muddy here Cheryl. We have a ways before it gets warm enough to plant so well plow again then.

Anonymous said...

Hi Vickie and glad you got some deals on the meal worms for a far cheaper price. Hope your tomatoes make it and you get a good crop and good that you have started your cabbage plants in the greenhouse to give you a head start and have larger plants to plant out when the weather warms a bit for you.

Well not a lot to report as DH and I were doing an activity on April the 6th where we tore/stretched some intercostal muscles around our ribs and had suspected micro fractures in some of our ribs which slowed us down a bit. I have in the last few days been able to do a bit of extra cleaning around the home and vacuumed around the edges of the skirting boards and under some furniture and all the carpets and vinyl so the home looks much cleaner and less dusty and kept up with the laundry.

Yippee we paid off our home mortgage in 4 years 3.5 months instead of the 20 years we took it over.
Now we are building up our emergency fund again after using that to pay the rest of the mortgage payment and building up our bills account money again too although have enough in there to pay the immediate bills for the coming month. Also have a small emergency fund at home we can rely on in the meantime.
We are now receiving an extra pay of $588 extra a fortnight as 2 extra medical injuries/conditions were accepted for injuries DH received in his military during his military service.
DH has now got his DVA Gold Card so that will mean free medical (cardiologists) and or operations for DH in public or private hospitals which will relieve a lot of extra expenses in the budget.

Grocery savings in the last few weeks were -
From IGA purchased 3 x 6pk of jumbo hamburger buns marked down to $1.95 ea and Kirks soft drinks on special for $1.75 ea saving $8.40 in total.
From Coles on half price sales purchased packets of Natural Chip Co chips for $2.35 a pack, 5 pk scourer pads on clearance for .60c per pack and 6 packet of betadine lozenges 36pk on a drop and locked price for $10 ea instead of $15 ea saving $47.86 on usual prices.
From Woolworths on half price sales purchased Special K and Sultana Bran saving $22.85 on usual prices.

Hope everyone has a wonderfully frugal week ahead.


Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

Lorna, rest easy, those things take time to heal. So glad you were able to pay off your mortgage. Having our mortgage paid off these last few years has made all the difference. Your budget with the free medical too will be much greater. Great deals on your grocery shopping too!
Hope you are having a wonderful Sunday!

Kathy said...

I bet your chicks are happy with the mealworms. Glad you were able to get them a little cheaper. It does help to be nice to salespeople.
Your plants are looking great. I was late planting seeds this year, and my girl accidentally dumped a tray of plants in the floor. I think I was able to salvage most of them anyway, but now it will be a surprise which tomatoes will be better boys or cherry tomatoes or? At least the seeds weren't too expensive, and if they survive, I won't have to buy expensive plants.
Hope you have a great week.

Anonymous said...

@Vickie yes working out this is going to take some time to hear and doctors said at least 6 - 8 weeks so still a way to go unfortunately and a lot of pain too.

Yes fantastic we have paid off the mortgage, have extra pay and free medical too we kind of feel like we have won lotto :). A lot more money in our budget now to save far more and have a couple of smaller treats too. Glad you have found since your mortgage was paid off that it has made a huge difference to your household too.

Happy with any savings we can get as they are few and far between in most places so comparing prices and buying where items are cheaper saves so much more in the budget.


Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

Kathy, you have mystery plants!
When it was warm, I dropped some on the ground when I was repotting them from a seedling tray. Didn't think they would make it but they came out ok. It's all worth it in the end.
We went to Sam's today and they wanted $6.00 a big huge tomato plant. Really not a bad price but I thought where are they going to put them. Too early to plant in the ground here.
Have a great day

Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

Lorna, I bet you will be out of your head and ready to go by the time it all heals!
Any extra money is appreciated with the inflation a lot of us are expierencing.

Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage said...

Girl you've been busy! We have some tomatoes and peas in our solo cups in our enclosed back porch. I'm wondering if we'll ever get them planted. It's so up and down this spring.
Be blessed,
Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage4

Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

The heat and rain sure does put a damper on the peas Laura. Hope everything makes it.