Saturday, April 22, 2023

Still Spring Cleaning: I Was In the Closet Yesterday!


                                                          The mess as it was being sorted. 

I knew I had to do it but I was waiting for a rainy day....thing is it had rained for four days! I knew I had no excuse and I had to clean my messy closet.  There is where I keep my extra stuff like shampoo, detergent, and extra food.  My dresses and skirts go on the closet rod.  

I was able to get rid of some of my outdated clothes, reorganize the storage boxes, and go through the pantry shelves.

We have enough soap, razors, toothpaste, and shampoo for quite awhile!  No one had better not bring any in here (unless it's a great sale)!

Now you know...I'm not perfect by any means!  

How's your Spring Cleaning or are you already done?

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Anonymous said...

My closet is as bad and my dresser drawers will hardly close. Time to get rid of things here too. Yes, it's raining! Am I going to go upstairs and clean? Probably not. LOL

Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

It took me a long time to clean too..with gardening coming up it's seems like I'm going every which way. Have a good weekend!

Kathy said...

Looks great!
I am so far behind with everything this year, but hopefully if I do a little at a time, it will get done. My Dad used to say, like a cat licking a grindstone. :D

Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

I'm like that too Kathy. Just a little a day and it will get done! Slow but sure.

Practical Parsimony said...

My closet is clean only because someone help take out Tommy's stuff and put mine in. So, I have not cluttered it yet. But, I will. Just give me time.

Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

It doesn't take long to get it in bad shape for sure, Practical! Have a great Sunday!

Nancy said...

I need to do that. Like Anonymous my drawers hardly close! I have stuff I haven't worn in years. I have a range of clothes: too small, ok, too big. In the back of my mind I think: well, if I loose/gain weight at least I'll have these clothes (which are by now getting very old!). Thanks Vickie, you've given me the nudge I need to get going before gardening season.

Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

Nancy, There was a pair of capri's I just couldn't get rid of. They are so cute ...I'm going to wear them again! ha ha
It's very cold this morning...I hope it warms up soon don't you?

Lana said...

I don't know why I am now posting as Anonymous here but I am Lana.

Chef Owings said...

there is no closets in this house. I did install 2 rods in wheelchair bathroom so Hubby had his shirts and pants for work there. I noticed he got rid of some of the RAGS he has been wearing and moved a section of nicer clothes he wears for errands and appts and such to the one side. He as 4 wardrobes and 1 storage rack full of clothes, which is why I am not putting any closets in. He would fill them up.

I would like a better storage system for medical and cleaners that are in the lofts. But until we decide if we are doing a dormer shed or just building storage drawers under the A frame part I am not spending money on anything.

Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

I'm so glad your Lana again!

Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

Chef your husband sounds so much like mine about the clothes. We went through his closet last week and I donated 5 bags of his clothes to charity. We kept the better looking ones. Men are so funny about clothes.