Friday, September 29, 2023

Did We Get it all Done? Sewing Season in the Home and Late Season Crops in the Garden

 I was thinking how close I was to sewing season.  We are still cleaning up the garden and getting ready for winter so maybe another couple of weeks to a month.  In the mean time I have been  mending.

Did We Get It all Done?

Did we get our homesteading/garden chores done for September? The wood was stacked by the grandson (money talks but he did a fine job), we dug up the first of the potatoes and set them to dry and cure in the garage, then we had granddaughter help us with the knocking the dirt off and putting them in burlap bags (for a price-she wants a new doll),  I mulched around the trees with the free mulch, and  I cleaned every garden pot I could find, then bought more for a discount price at General Dollar (what is wrong with me?).   One thing I put off and it is now on the emergency to do list, is getting the strawberry bed soon as we get some warm and dry weather.  That's next week! 

The garden looks terrible, it's overgrown with weeds, but there still is a lot growing in there, believe it or not.  We have four more short rows of potatoes to dig, cabbage, peppers, lettuce, a pumpkin, and green onions to get out.  

The lettuce came up once and then the rabbits ate it.  It is getting big again and we have added some protection.  I need to find more.  If you can see it -I found a bike basket.  I'll look for more today.  

The mustard greens I started in August.

Growing late season crops.

Husband wanted to grow enough mustard greens to can, so when we pulled up the potatoes about two weeks ago, he tilled, and I spread the seed.  I always spread them thick but we have a bumper crop that way.   We had some other mustard greens that I had started in  early August that we have had a couple of dinners from. I keep thinking winter is knocking at our door,  do we have time?  He says mustard greens can handle the cold and will grow even in the snow.  I say we'll see how that goes.  I hope he is right.

This is the mustard greens we just planted about two weeks ago.  

The fridge was thawed out this past week (we have to do this once a year or it quits).  Back when we still had a guarantee we used to call out the repairman and he told us what to do.  Sometimes it pays to watch the repairman and ask questions.  It took a total of 3 days to get it all done but it's over and running smoothly.  I'm sure the price of a new fridge would blow our minds right now. LOL

We had a big mess in the kitchen while we were doing this, so cooking was not in the picture.  One day we took a gift card I had bought and never used for the Chinese place and the next day we bought a chicken at Sam's.  I then used the rest of the chicken for chicken and dumplings one day and then chicken fajita's the next day (using my garden onions and peppers).  

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Belinda said...

It definitely pays to watch the repairmen who come into your home to work for several reasons. The bike basket was a good tip to protect your lettuce. I enjoy greens with a little bit of balsamic vinegar on them. I like turnip and collard greens. Your garden is so amazing. The photos of it are beautiful.

Lana said...

I have my sewing laid out and ready to go. I have a pile of napkins to hem and some mending to do. We are still harvesting here in SC but there is talk of cold weather next week. I have to get the basil in and taken care of because we will lose it if the temps go in the 40's.You are right about the price of refrigerators! Crazy expensive and a 50/50 chance of buying one that is junk even if you are diligent these days.

Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

Belinda, oh that balsamic vinegar on greens sounds good! I should have planted some turnip greens in the mix too. That always taste good. thanks for garden compliment!

Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

I need to get my herbs too- we have been down in the forties but everything looks good so far Lana. I need to get busy. So much to do.
Yes we will just keep thawing this one out once a year..I don't want to even look at the price of fridges.
Have a good weekend.

Cheryl Kimbley said...

Garden clean-up is such a job. I took a week off from outside work and plan to get back at it next week.
It is that time - yours all looks good!

Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

Everyone needs a week and you had so much fun. It's been raining here a lot so I did get some time off too. Have a wonderful weekend Cheryl!