For the peaceful town of Willow Ridge, November presents an early holiday surprise. Stranded in the snow, 18-year-old Lena Esh and her boyfriend Josiah Witmer need more than a place to stay for the night. Lena defied her strict family and their judgmental beliefs to run away with Josiah and have his baby. But she’s starting to wonder if he can prove as responsible as he is passionate. And she isn’t sure how—or if—they can ever find a place to truly call home.
Expecting their own
miracle baby, Miriam and Ben Hooley rally the town to help the young couple,
and Lena draws strength from their unexpected support. Though trouble may come
calling, in this season of joyous rebirth, a little child will lead them. And
two couples will see their dreams of forever family come true…
Magdalena Esh wrapped the worn blanket more snugly around
her shoulders, groaning from exhaustion. Fat, icy flakes were pelting the
buggy, threatening to overwhelm the windshield wipers. She had no idea where
the side of the snow-packed road ended and the ditch began. She was so tired of
riding—so stiff from clutching the bulge of her unborn child—she wanted to
“Why are we pulling over, Josiah?” she demanded. “This can’t
be Higher Ground.
There’s supposed to be a big stone sign out by the road,
“We took a wrong turn, got it?” the young man beside her
snapped. He yanked on the lines to halt the horse. “You haven’t stopped whining
since we left this morning. I can’t think straight—can’t see a blasted thing
because of this snowstorm—and your yammering is driving me nuts!”
Lena sat taller despite her aching back. “I suppose it’s
also my fault that Dolly threw a shoe?”
“If you want to take the blame for that, be my guest.”
Josiah glared at her, his dark eyes narrowing beneath the brim of his black
hat. “I should never have told you I had a new job in Higher Ground. Should’ve
“Taken off without me?” Lena finished hotly. “What a lovely
thing to say, just a month before your baby’s to be born! You liked me well
enough when we were—”
“You didn’t exactly push me away, Lena!” he countered. “Now
shut up! There’s a light in that building, so I’m going inside to see—”
A sharp rapping on the side of the buggy made them both suck
in their breath. Through the fogged window Lena could make out the shape of a
man’s head. She hoped by some far-flung miracle it would be the Hiram Knepp
who’d hired Josiah rather than someone bent on taking advantage of their
desperate situation.
Why did you ever think Josiah Witmer would look after you?
Your parents warned you and you didn’t listen.
You can read my review of The Christmas Cradle here:
You can read my review of The Christmas Cradle here:
AUTHOR Bio and Links:
Drawing upon
her experiences in Jamesport, the largest Old Order Amish community in
Missouri, longtime Missourian Charlotte Hubbard writes of simpler times and a
faith-based lifestyle in her Seasons of the Heart series. Like her heroine,
Miriam Lantz Hooley, Charlotte considers it her personal mission to feed
people. Faith and family, farming and food preservation are hallmarks of her
lifestyle. She’s a deacon, a dedicated church musician and choir member, and
when she’s not writing, she loves to try new recipes, crochet, and sew.
Charlotte now lives in Minnesota with her husband and their border collie.
You can connect with Charlotte Hubbard here:
You can connect with Charlotte Hubbard here:
Buy Link:
If you would like to continue reading excerpts from this book here are the stops along the way:October 5: Bedazzled By Books
October 6: Vickie's Kitchen and Garden
October 7: Rogues Angels
October 8: Lisa Haselton's Reviews and Interviews
October 9: BooksChatter
October 9: Stormy Nights Reviewing and Bloggin' - review
October 12: Novels of the Heart - review
October 13: Reviews by Crystal
October 13: My Devotional Thoughts
October 14: Laurie's Thoughts and Reviews
October 15: Unabridged Andra's
October 15: The Certifiable Wenches - review
October 16: It's Raining Books
October 19: Southern Gal Loves To Read - review
October 20: Queen of All She Reads
October 20: The Pen and Muse Book Reviews
October 21: After Dark Reading Nook - review
October 22: CherylBBookBlog - review
October 22: Straight from the Library
October 23: Texas Bookaholic - review
October 26: Room With Books
October 27: Hope. Dreams. Life... Love
October 27: Harlie's Books
October 28: The Reading Addict
October 29: The Book Connection - review
October 29: Long and Short Reviews
October 30: LibriAmoriMiei - review
Charlotte will be awarding $20 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
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