Sunday, March 25, 2018

My Frugal Ways this Past Week 3/25/18!

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Here are the ways we saved this past week:

We stocked up on groceries when we went to some Amish markets this past week. This put us over our grocery budget for this month but it will be enough to last us quite awhile.  I'm adjusting the amount we spend next month to make up for it.  

I ordered two magazines with my points from Recyclebank.

We took our granddaughter to an free indoor play park at a church.  It was so nice and she had a blast!

It's still too cold out to hang clothes here but I'm thinking someday  we may have Spring and I want to be ready for when it decides to come.  Our old clothes line was in too bad of shape to use this year so we decided to put up the clothes line that we had stored in our garage for a backup.  We paid $5.00 for it and a $1.00 for the new line a couple of years ago at garage sales. 

We used to have a flat line and to tell the truth I'm not sure I like this style of clothes line.  I'm willing to give this one a try though after looking at the price of a new one. The lines are wavy now but when it gets warmer I will be able to re-tighten them. 

My goals this week:

Finish spring cleaning the den (2nd week of cleaning).

Make two freezer meals (didn't get this done last week).

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This Post has been linked to Modest Mondays, The Prudent Homemaker,  Thrifty Thursday, 

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