Sunday, August 12, 2018

My Frugal Ways this Past Week 8/12/18!

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Here are the ways I've saved this past week:

I found a couple of pattern books at a garage sale for crochet dishcloths for .50 each.  I've been making them at night while watching t.v.

One of my favorite finds this past week was a first aid kit packed and never used for $3.00.

The other was a quilt top for $3.00.  I bartered this with a friend for a new book I wanted to read. I have no idea how to quilt so this was a great deal for me and her!  We were both so happy!  

I made dinner every day last week.  Saving at least $20.00.  

Froze zucchini lasagna noodles

I purchased a $25.00 JC Penny Gift Card for 2200 Swagbucks (my first gift card purchase this month, so it was cheaper). 

We harvested 1/2 bushel of potatoes and tomatoes. plus a mess of green beans out of the garden.  Canned green beans are great but there is nothing like the smell or taste of fresh right out of the garden.  

I've been canning them both this weekend.  We decided to can some of the potatoes to make mashed potatoes for our cheat days.  They will be great for holiday dinners too.  We gave the rest to neighbors. 

We also picked blackberries but they were eaten as fast as we picked!

I made homemade half and half this morning when I realized we were out.  

Goals for next week:

Clean the carpet in the living room.

Keep harvesting the garden and canning.

What are the ways you saved this past week?  

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