The view of the coast of Mackinac Island MI. |
We took food to cook while we were there. I'm so glad we did because much to the delight of the children we were in the middle of nowhere. Perfect!
I bought the tickets for the ferry to Mackinaw Island for half price on Black Friday last year (Star Line Ferry in St. Ignace).
I vacuumed the van before we left with the handheld vacuum we bought at a garage sale, saving that cost of the car wash vacuum. I'll be vacuuming again now that it's cooler. Really, it's like I didn't even touch it.
I found my first cucumber! It's really the first of the harvest out of the garden in the back. I decided to enjoy the cool breeze after the storm last night and walk around the garden (I'll straighten up the corn this morning). I picked this cucumber and then heard a crack from the neighbors tree. I ran out of the area and watch a big branch come down. I was lucky and it was more on his land than mine. It's a cucumber with a story and then I ate him. Ha ha!
I hung up clothes everyday since it's been so hot. They are dry in minutes it seems like.
Made yogurt.
We found a great deal on Pork Chops this past week.
My goals:
With the vacation and heat I haven't been in the garden in a week. I hope to get out there and weed as soon as I can.
What are the ways you've saved this past week?
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That is wonderful that you had such a nice week with your girls and grandkids. Sounds lovely.
YAY on your harvest!!!!!
A cucumber with a story and then I ate There's nothing like fresh cucumbers and tomatoes. I'm glad you guys enjoyed your vacation.
Thanks Little Penpen! He was good!
Cheryl It's a real blessing that I had a harvest. I never would have thought I would get anything after the flood!
I've been running out just before bedtime to water my containers...ugh how I hate the humidity. I think the squirrels found my one tomato plant. I picked a few early in the week & one had a bite out of it. I can't decide if I should keep watering it if I'm not going to get anymore myself. I have low hopes for rain on Monday.....otherwise we're in the summer of death which means we won't have to mow grass for awhile.
I've been steadily organizing my craft room & have decided to name it my 'Make-Do' room because most of what I do there is repair or update things I already own. My goal is to only craft with things I own.
I bought four bins at Walmart for $2.50 each. I may buy more this week if they still have any in the special buy section. I bought some of these a few years ago when I reorganized my laundry room. That room gets rough treatment & they've worn very well so I may get more to help my Make-Do room look a little more streamlined & organized.
I used up a couple of bananas before they went bad making sweet breads for me. One went into my 6 inch cast iron skillet. Banana bread for one. I added cocoa, chopped fresh cherries, pecans & chocolate chips. The other went into small batch chocolate chocolate chip muffins. I added cherries & pecans to them as well. Both of them turned out so well.
First let's talk about that banana bread Jenny, that just sounds heavenly!
So sorry about the squirrels and your garden. I'll be using that summer of death phrase. Thats exactly what it feels like too.
We arrived at the lake house this afternoon. Biggest savings for the next two weeks is that we brought all the food from our stockpile at home.
I got a 20 pack of socks for Hubby for $10 last week and a set of Pioneer Woman sheets for only $14, reg price $51.99. Both of them will ship to Wally World here at the lake.
Have a good week!
Hi Vickie!
I'm glad you had a wonderful trip with your family!
We had planned a visit to Mackinac Island 7 years ago when I got really sick and we haven't scheduled another. We know there are some horse drawn rides and bicycles. We have been wondering if there is a whole lot of walking needed to enjoy the island. I am no longer able to walk long distances or ride a bike.
We had a great trip to Port Huron, Michigan a couple weeks ago. It was a wonderful weekend with lots of time with family, including many of whom we had never met or it had been many years. Lots of memories made and shared. It also included a lovely memorial service for my last remaining uncle. We stayed at a hotel on the St; Clair River with with beautiful views of the river and the bridges to Canada from our balcony.
I'm glad you've had a harvest from your garden and hope you get lots more!
Have a good week!
Elaine, We rode the bikes and we loved it. The kids really love doing that. My husband said though next time he would like to try the horse drawn buggys. No there isn't a lot of walking only if you want to.
So sorry to hear about your Uncle. I'm glad though time was spent with family. Port Huron is very pretty for sure.
I picked another cuke just a few minutes ago. I'm saving this one for a salad tomorrow.
Have a beautiful day!
What great deals -.50 for a pair of socks is unheard of! Sheet deal is a winner too!
We brought food from home as's a big savings for sure. Two weeks sounds like heaven.
Have a wonderful time!
Hi Vickie and I am glad that you had a lovely holiday and time with the family. The pork chops were a bargain and I would have stocked up at that price too. I always look forward to the first harvest in a season from our vegetable patch too :).
Our savings last week added up to $41.68.
In the kitchen-
- Cooked all meals and bread from scratch.
Purchases -
- On specials we purchased 5 x 500g of frozen peas, corn and capsicum, mandarins, kiwi fruit and bananas saving $11.68 on usual prices.
Finances and eBay listings -
- We paid an extra month of mortgage payments off our home loan from a bonus pay I received saving interest and time on our loan. We have almost made double payments since the start of our loan in January :).
- Other items purchased from my bonus pay were a few curtain rods, ends and curtain rod holders.
- Listed 10 items on a free listing promotion on eBay saving $16.50 on usual listing fees.
In the gardens -
- Put all the drip irrigation frames for 10 garden beds together. We still have to link up the main watering pipes to each garden bed.
- We reused 13mm pvc pipe, t-pieces, elbows and our drip irrigation pipe from our last gardens saving about $30 over buying more.
- Both of us trench composted more vegetable/fruit peelings into another vegetable garden bed.
I hope everyone had a wonderful week last week and will this week too :).
Sewingcreations15 (Lorna).
Today, I got free bandaids at CVS. The store had a promotion for July. Every Wednesday and Sunday, free items were available by using the app. :-) I love freebies!
I love it when I can stick my pantry with free items. Great deals Melissa!
I think of all those extra payments you've made on your home and I know you'll have it paid off soon!
You both have been busy in the garden I bet you can't wait to put it all into action gardening season.
Have a great day Lorna.
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