Sunday, January 26, 2020

My Frugal Ways this Past Week 1/26/20!

I hope everyone has had a great week.  Our week has mostly been nice -winter is taking a break and we like it.  We have had cloudy skies and rain with snow but it's not too bad.  They are saying that it will make a comeback this next week, so we are getting a lot of things that we need done out side right now.  

I made sure to get a raincheck from Meijer's for Campbell's chicken noodle soup yesterday that was on sale for .69 a can.  That's a deal and apparently, it was an unadvertised deal. The cashier told me I was out of luck and should that I should have came earlier in the week, so I decided to go to the service desk.  They were so nice and printed a raincheck that's good for 12 cans!  I asked if I could see the list of the unadvertised deals, he laughed, and then said..uhh no.

I had to think why I was there ..oh yeah, one of the grandkids had an upset stomach and I was getting them Vernors (like an ginger ale but much better).  When you stomach is sick around here you get a bottle of Vernors, chicken noodle soup, and crackers.  They actually love that part of being sick.  Grandchild is feeling much better and I know it was because of Grandma and pop's medicine.  

Oh yes, the Vernors was an unadvertised deal too!  All of that will be on next week's grocery total.  

Called on a doctor's bill that was sent to us for $75.  Apparently, they forgot to charge the insurance. Funny, they explained it a total different way though.

Cleaned and organized the catchall closet. Some of  the clothes I found were either donated or sent to thred up and some of the food I organized, we made sure to use right away.  You can see that post here.  

We had a lower spend grocery bill this week.  You guys make me feel so much better about spending more than I want to.  My great deal this past week was stew beef.  The price of beef is getting ridiculous. 

I made ahead some waffles for breakfast.  It's been so easy to just pop them in the microwave in the mornings.  

Goals for this week:

You know how you think,  I'm just going to roll and get a lot of things done.  It was just a fleeting thought for me when I  came down with the, I don't know what is sickness, this past week.  I was cold then I was hot and I then slept 16 hours. At one time my husband put 4 blankets on me to get me warm.  I bet I know what it was, it was the shock of cleaning and organizing that catchall closet ha ha!  

I'm back to my old self now and so this week I'm going to finish cleaning out the spice cupboard (since I'm up at an ungodly hour, I started this morning) and then move on to organizing the closet in the guest bedroom.

How did you save this past week?  

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Little Penpen said...

I’m glad you are feeling better. I’ve had some kind of little bug this week too. Funny the guy wouldn’t let you see the unadvertised specials. Sometimes we have chicken noodle or tomato soup 2/$1 here. I try to stock up when I see those sales. I keep getting a copay bill from my doctor that I keep calling them about. They’ve assured me twice not to worry about it, but I keep waiting for another statement. ☺️ Annoying, isn’t it? Have a great week!

Belinda said...

I like your little car package for when someone is sick. I've not seen the little bottles of Vernors before. It really is the best tasting of the ginger ales. We've had some sickness here and used up all the Sprite in the house, so I'll have to pick some up soon. I hope you have a good week.

Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

Yes it's so annoying when they send those bills but I guess worth it in the end. I hate that calling part.
That's a good deal on soup -I would stock up too! Campbell's soup is running around a $1.00 a can here or sometimes more so this is a good deal. We've been getting the no brand though for cheaper but we love Campbell's the best. Have a great deal.

Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

It's a good thing to keep around Belinda. I think we would keep Sprite if we didn't have Vernors too. The kids would go for that more. Have a good week too.

Jenny said...

I'm doing a little better being frugal after the chaos of remodeling. I'm trying to get back into a rhythm before we start up again.

- I returned two items to Amazon for a refund. I had ordered them for the bathroom remodel & we ended up not using them. $60 saved

- I didn't do quite as well with meals because I ate out for breakfast two days & we ate out for supper one day. The rest I did cook & we ate our leftovers, so some free meals.

I cooked two meals from my freezer. I'm working on using things up there before things go bad.

Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

I'm finding that it's hard getting back to being frugal too Jenny but I think we will finally get back with it. I think it's exhausting doing a remodel and you probably needed a break. Glad your done and I hope you love it.

KayM said...

I’m glad you are feeling better. Yes, you probably did get sick from the shock of cleaning your catch-all closet—LOL! My frugal ways of note this last week: Instead of some fancy (read “expensive”) cleaner for the top of my brushed metal stovetop, I tried a paste of Bon Ami and water. It worked great. I’ve always kept my stovetop clean, but it just didn’t look shiny new. Now it does. Surprise and cheap, too! I ordered a case of 6 Tom’s of Maine deodorants for $8.89. I only received 1 item. (I thought it was too good to be true). I called Customer Service and they refunded me the money and I can keep the one deodorant. I was pretty sure it had been a misprint and almost didn’t order, but I’ve had good service from this company before (Pharmapacks), so I figured I didn’t have anything to lose. I still got 1 free deodorant for very little work. Eating out of my pantry: I am down to only one can of the Well Yes! Soups I bought last year--BOGO free, after needing to “doctor them up” in one way or another. The last can is a Tomato Carrot Bisque, but that flavor is too acidic for me, so I might just have to toss it. It’s out of date, so I can’t donate it.

Lana said...

It was so cold all week that we hibernated like a couple of bears! It sure does save money when you stay home all week! About a month ago we stocked up on Campbell's chicken noodle soup and then when we got home Hubby found 19 cans already here. Oh well.

Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

You need all that soup to stay warm Lana! You did save a lot of money staying home. I bet your ready now to get out when the weather gets better. Have a good week.

Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

That was the name of the cleaner I bought! works great and it was a good price.
Sorry about your was worth a try. Sounds like you had great customer service though. Have a great week Kay

Jenny Raith said...

I'm glad you're feeling better! We've had a bit of the yucky around here but thankfully only my husband and myself, not the girls :)

*We made homemade gifts this week including spice blends and pies. I also set up an unused shelf behind my bedroom door to serve as a Gift Cupboard and added the extra spice blends, homemade body scrubs and bath soaks, and homemade wooden coasters.
*I started participating in the Vicky Challenge over at The Bluebirds are Nesting and tracked savings of over $150 for the week!
*I did well sticking to the grocery budget and using up every scrap of food. I was able to send an extra $50 to our savings goal this month since we had done so well sticking to our lower budget in several categories.
*More on my blog!

Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

Jenny you did so well! Love that gift cupboard!

Alison said...

Had to laugh and so did OD, we both made the comment uh-oh, someone's not feeling well in Michigan (very Michigan Motherly items). Hope everyone is well now. :)

Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

It is now going through other members of the family and we've had to restock! I think everyone is done with that flu now..I hope so! Thanks for asking about us!