Saturday, August 22, 2020

Free Kindle Books for Today 8/22/20 Plus Garage and Estate Sale Finds!

 Free Kindle Books and deals for today 8/22/20!  Make sure you check the price before you buy, Amazon prices can change frequently. If you don’t have a Kindle you can download your favorite Kindle Book on any tablet or smartphone with a free Kindle app

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Garage and Estate sale Finds

There is that list in our heads of what we need and hope to find for our house at sales every year. This year had us a little worried but we were always hopeful.  

A portable air conditioner was on top of the list this year. 
You see, for years now we've dreaded putting up the air conditioner in our bedroom window.  Oh, we were thankful to have one don't get me wrong, it was just work.  We would have to go and uncover the unit in the garage (after sitting all winter we would start storing stuff on top of it).  Then it took both of us to bring it in and level it. 

We decided if we ever ran into an air conditioner like the one we have in the living room we would get it. Yesterday we found it at a Moving Sale!  Whoo hoo!! We paid $75.00!  

Among other things I also found 14 pint canning jars for $7.00, Cinderella dress for granddaughter for $3.00, husband found some kind of bow and arrow thing for grandson (I don't know how much he paid), and this Keurig Coffee machine for $4.00 (it works perfect).

Fire and Ash by [Anne Patrick]

Fire and Ash

The Whistle Blower: A Wing and a Prayer Mystery (Wing and a Prayer Mysteries Book 1) by [Robin Merrill]

The Whistle Blower: A Wing and a Prayer Mystery (Wing and a Prayer Mysteries Book 1)

Starter Sourdough: 100 Artisan Bread Baking recipes in one Bread Cookbook by [Rosemary King]

Starter Sourdough: 100 Artisan Bread Baking recipes in one Bread Cookbook

Dehydrating Food: A Beginner's Guide by [Jay Bills, Shirley Bills]

Dehydrating Food: A Beginner's Guide 

Cabin Cooking: Delicious Cast Iron and Dutch Oven Recipes for Camp, Cabin, or Trail by [Kate Fiduccia]

Cabin Cooking: Delicious Cast Iron and Dutch Oven Recipes for Camp, Cabin, or Trail 

Uncle Bob's Red Flannel Bible Camp - From Eden to the Ark by [Steve Vernon, Keri Knutson]

Uncle Bob's Red Flannel Bible Camp - From Eden to the Ark 

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Lana said...

WooHoo! Great shopping!

Jenny said...

Great deals! I love shopping with a list at thrift stores & yard sales then finding that big thing I've wanted.

Tell me more about your new air conditioner? We put three window units in every spring & take them out every fall. My husband takes them apart & cleans them every spring before we install them....such a pain! I'd love to not block so many windows in my little house....I don't have that many anyway.

I went to a few yard sales today but it was a total waste of time. I also went to a friend's house to walk through her garden. She gave me some new cuttings of 5 or 6 different plants. We'll see if I can keep them alive.

Nancy said...

Good Job!! I haven't gone to many garage sales this year due to covid, but your purchases sound great! I bought a Keurig at garage sale last year for $10, almost new. Didn't think we'd use much but we are and enjoying it some afternoons.
I miss garage sales-hopefully next year we'll be near normal.

Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

We love the portable ones ..You just put what looks like a dryer type of vent in the window and your done. So easy and we leave them in the room (after taking the vent out of the window) all year round. No lifting and moving. In the living room we can even use the other side of window for fresh air.
I think we got lucky today ..getting late in the year for sales.
I hope your plants stay alive!

Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

Yes we have not went to half of the garage sales compared to what we used to. Which is probably a good thing. I hope next year is better too.

Jenny said...

I'm going to have to research this. Are they very noisy? That's one thing I hate about the window units. They are so loud.

Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

Yes so true ..they are deafening sometimes. Although the one portable in the living room is more loud than this new one we bought. It's whisper quiet so we will love it in our bedroom.