Friday, October 20, 2023

Concord Grape Jelly, Peppers, Pumpkin cookies, and the Colors of Fall!


The grapes were ready and we (me and granddaughter) had a wonderful time picking them.  There are still more there so I'm thinking we need to get back out soon.  I made five pints of grape jelly -two didn't seal so they are in the refrigerator.  I could have tried to reseal them but I seriously didn't think about it till right now.  Well, until those are gone it will be grape jelly on everything...biscuits, toast, and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.  LOL

Today we made 30 Halloween cookies to freeze for a school party. Grandson mixed up the batter and granddaughter cut out the cookies.   I could only find a pumpkin cookie cutter so that is what we used.  The kids at the party will have fun decorating them.

I froze more peppers this week.  I just core them and then put them in a bag to freeze.  I don't wash them until I need them.  

The colors are beautiful at a lake nearby.   We are going up north this weekend to see more.  That is if the rain stops!  

I know it's hard to concentrate with all the world news.  You know that we can become paralazed till the next news update.  This week I've tried to get away from the updates as much as I can.  I've stayed busy and praying for peace have helped.  

What did you accomplish this past week?

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Cheryl Kimbley said...

sounds like a lovely week. Grape jelly is so good, especially homemade!
I have kept busy and kept the TV off - I know what is going on - don't need to hear about it all day! Better busy than watching for me.

Nancy said...

Lovely you're doing things with your grandkids.
I never froze green peppers until this year. Had some left from the garden after using them anyway I could. I diced small and froze on cookie sheet then into a gallon bag. I grab out a handful for an omelette, etc and works out great. World has gone crazy, nature and kindness is my church but my thoughts are with those less fortunate. I am humbled when I see how lucky I am.

Kathy said...

Yum on the concord grape jelly! That is the best!
I'm sure the kids will enjoy decorating the pumpkin cookies. Hope you enjoy your trip up north. Our leaves are at their peak now in the mountains, so I'm hoping to take a drive on the Blue Ridge parkway this weekend. Have a great weekend.

Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

I haven't made grape jelly in a few good Cheryl. As long as I can find grapes..grape jelly it is.
Keeping the t.v. off as much as possible is the best way I think too Cheryl.
Have a good weekend.

Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

Nancy, I need to dice them too. It would be so easy to have them all ready. I think I'm too lazy when I pick them. I'm going to try it next year for sure.

World has gone crazy is right...too much going on.

Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

Oh Kathy, I think we might be able to go on Sunday. It's getting late here and I think this might be our last chance before color peak is gone. I've seen the pictures in KY the colors are beautiful right now. Hope your drive is lovely this weekend.

Belinda said...

Homemade grape jelly sounds delicious. How fun that your granddaughter helped you with that. The students should have a lot of fun decorating the cookies for Halloween.

Chef Owings said...

thumb print cookies do well with jelly and jams.

Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

Belinda I guess they will have like little booths or units where they go and do crafts/projects. So decorating cookies will be one of them. Should be fun for them.

Have a good weekend.

Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

Chef, Oh I bet grape thumb print cookies would be good!