Thursday, May 30, 2024

Book Review: Unforgiven by Shelly Shepard Gray


by Shelly Shepard Gray

Ex-con Seth Zimmerman has spent the last three years making amends by helping the vulnerable in his former Amish community. Lately, this mission includes calling on Tabitha Yoder, whose divorce from her abusive husband has isolated her from the community. Even though she never comes out of her house to talk to him, Seth knows she watches him from the window while he chops wood, clears her driveway, and drops off food.  
An uneasy friendship is just starting to take hold between them when small gifts begin to appear at Tabitha's home--gifts that can only be from her ex-husband. Seth might be Tabitha's only hope at maintaining her hard-won freedom from the man whose violent outbursts had almost cost her life. But coming to her rescue might mean he ends up behind bars once again. 

My Review:

Unforgiven by Shelly Shepard Gray, gives a different view of Amish family life.  It's not a simple, perfect life that we might think as we drive by and look at the clothes on the line or the buggy's going down the street. Their private lives can be more like ours then we imagine.

Both main charactors (Seth and Tabitha) have done the unthinkable in the Amish community.  Of course many of the community have strong opionions about what has happened and are not so easy to forgive. Even Seth and Tabitha have to learn to forgive...themselves.

This book kept me captivated from beginning to end.  
What a great read!  

I was given a complimentary copy of this book.
All opinions expressed are my own.
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