Friday, June 28, 2024

Going Local, the Weedy Garden, and Free flowers!

What do you do when the doc says no traveling?  You go local.  We paid a visit to Stepping Stone Falls.  I did not go down the stairs but of course I've been there before.  Beautiful as always. Then a stop by the ice cream shop and we were good.

Today, we are going down to the Mott Estate, Applewood.  What a beautiful place.  You can learn so much there and have a wonderful time.

The weedy garden:  

Husbands prize potatoes!  

I have a cuke!  

Tomatoes are coming on the vine!  

Everyday I go out there and weed at least one row of beans or what ever.  Today, husband said he will till in between the tomatoes while we are gone.  I left him specific instructions. He gets a  little wild with the tiller.

I received a flat of flowers for free (senior citizen) -they want to beautify our city.  I decided on snapdragons and planted them among the zinnias in the garden.  

It's very cool here now for the time being.  I left a lasagna with some more instructions in the fridge.  

How's it going at your house?

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Cheryl Kimbley said...

Local can offer so many things to do if people just look around.
Nice looking garden.

Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

Thanks Cheryl, There is so many things to do here ...should keep me busy for awhile!

Kathy said...

Oh I love the picture of the falls! And I'm sure the gardens at Apple wood are gorgeous with the roses in bloom.
Your garden is looking good too, yummy veggies. It is so hot and dry here now.
Wishing you a very happy 4th of July.

Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

I was very slow but the gardens and house were beautiful. They were so blessed and very civic minded.
Hope you receive rain soon Kathy.