Friday, June 21, 2024

Great Herb Hack, Best Garage Sale Find, and It's hot!


This week I harvested herbs like lavender, garlic scapes, chives, dill, and  thyme.   I put them in silicone bags in the fridge, ready to use when needed. 

The only herb that I have  growing in the ground is dill.  I got the plant from the free plant swap I went to about a month ago.   I chopped up the dill and it flavored my tuna very well.  Tasted just like there was a pickle mixed in.  Great herb hack!  

I made a lavendar room deodorizer with baking soda and lavendar that I dried a couple of weeks ago.   

We found this hammock at a garage sale yesterday for $25.00.   Can't find me?  This is where I will be, relaxing with a book! 

Little chickens deciding which way to China is cooler.  Man it's hot here!  

How's it going at your house?

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Belinda said...

We are doing well here and hope you are too, Vickie. I love Dill so much, I add it to all sorts of things. My grandfather used to grow it too. Nice deal on that hammock! I hope it cools off for you all soon.

Lana said...

Nice hammock! You deserve some lovely down time after all you have been through lately!

Kathy said...

It is hot here too.
Your hammock is a great find! Hope you have a lovely shady spot to relax with a glass of iced tea and a book. Your herb garden looks great! Mine is a bit pitiful this year, but I'm hoping it takes off. I'm wanting lots of basil and cilantro.
Hope you have a good weekend.

Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

Belinda I really can't complain about the heat too much at least we are getting rain along with it. That makes all the difference.

Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

Lana, I'm moving it tonight under the two cherry trees. Book is ready to be read that's for sure.
Hope you are relaxing too!

Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

Kathy, I don't know I think my herbs look puny but hopefully they are just getting started. They are going to come in handy with a no salt diet I'm on.
I hope your takes off and you get a bountiful harvest.