The remants of Hurricane Beryl came through our area a couple of days ago. Can you believe those winds and rain came all the way up to Michigan? We received about 4 to 5 inches of rain. It poured. Some people received 6 inches. So my garden is just soaked and in the back it had standing water. My house though did not flood and I'm so thankful for that.
My suggestion is: if you want to keep your shoes, stay out of the garden!
Did you ever come across a wild animal in your garden and they look at you, like what are doing here? If you can see it, this rabbit seems to be saying that to me. Stared at me for a long time before it hopped away.
So, I haven't let my young chicks out in awhile because they would not go back in their run. Just imagine two old people trying to catch four little hens. It was comical!
We got a lot of rain, but not that much. I fried my first zucchini - oh my goodness was it tasty.
Awww. I miss my chickens so much! I am happy they came back!
Cheryl, fried zucchini sounds great! We really got dumped on -the rain didn't let up. We are getting more today.
Have a great weekend!
Barbara, I'm so glad I can let them out now...I was feeling sad for them a lot. They just needed to grow.
Have a great weekend
I just loved our chickens when we had them. They can be so entertaining. That rabbit is a hoot, he was checking you out.
Sounds like a lot of rain came your way. Your garden looks great and that tomato is beautiful!
I am amazed that Beryl was still so strong when it got there! I'm glad you are safe!
Belinda, can you believe that rabbit..not scared at all~ have a great weekend
Lana, I feel so sorry for the people in Texas affected by the storm. If we were flooded that bad just imagine.
did not get enough rain, gardens were dry within 30 minutes even after 1.5 inches of rain.
Had fried green tomatoes for first time.
Rabbits give me a dirty look when I am picking berries. LOL
Blessed Be
Dear Chef, so sorry -hope you get more rain soon. It rains just about every other day here. Too much rain for sure.
Did you like the fried green tomatoes?
Have a great Sunday
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