Summer came so fast, stayed hot, dry, and it's been busy! For two months I completely forgot to post an update on my yearly goals (sorry). I might have forgotten to write them but they are in the back of my mind as a constant reminder on what I hope to accomplish this year. If you would like to see how the first half of the year's progress you can read more about it here.
2. Volunteer. I always just give but I would like to do both this year. I want to get out there and help a charity. Not necessarily every week but I would like to volunteer as much as I can.
June and July: I've been helping at the school gardens at my old elementary school this summer. One week I helped weed the large flower bed that had been taken over with pickers. I managed to get this finished just before the garden tour came by.
My small plot though is basically done. We lifted up the potato plants and harvested 7 pounds of potatoes. Not bad for a hot and dry summer! We also had some great sunflowers growing but the squirrels ate the heads before we knew what happened. I learned a lot about square foot gardening and it was fun. Just to let you know I'm pretty sure I flunked the part about watering.
3. Get healthier. Eat better, exercise more!
June and July: I started walking more. I'm working in the garden, and just basically moving all the time. Aleve has become my best friend. No progress on the weight though I've stayed the exactly the same. Not giving up yet something might work for me yet!
4. Remodel the house a little
June and July: Remodeling is over but I've been cleaning and also redecorating a little. It helps the budget when I can find the things I've been looking for at garage sales. So far the major finds that I've found are, matching table lamps for the living room for $4.00 each, 6- 11 x 14 wooden pictures frames for 25 cents each, and a new chair for the youngest daughter's room for $5.00.
5. Improve this blog -redesign, keep learning, etc. I have some great readers and visitors on this blog and I want to make it a great place to visit. I'm so thankful for each and every one of you!
June and July: This blog has grown a lot in the past two months and I'm excited! I'm now updating more often on Pinterest. I'm on Facebook and not scared, Twitter just keeps growing, and I'm working on Instagram. I thought about transferring to Wordpress but I'm holding off. I like Blogger and I feel like I should stay. Well until l I learn more. Plus I have over 500 blog posts to transfer it would be a mess. So blogger here I am.
Do you set any yearly goals?
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