Sunday, July 15, 2018

My Frugal Ways this Past Week 7/15/18!

Here are the ways I've saved this past week:

Our weather this week started cool and ended up very warm and muggy.  On the cool days I weeded the garden and made up some breakfast ahead.   On the very warm days I stayed inside to clean, read, or sew.  I'll get back to those weeds soon.  There are always some there!  

I had a donut deal that was going to expire last week.   For two nights I kept thinking about those donuts and what I was going to do with that deal certificate. I was going down fast thinking about donuts.  I finally caved in and just went to get them.  I ate a few, oh yes I did.   Buy cheated badly that day and then I wrapped and froze the rest.   The urge for donuts was gone and they are out of sight, out of mind.   I think I just wanted them more because of that deal I got in April.   No more donut deals. 

This morning, I have two of the cinnamon rolls thawing out on the counter for the grandchildren who spent the night.  They are both creme stick or chocolate covered with sprinkles sort of kids, but I think they will go for them.  

Nothing special going on with the grand kids, just play dough and painting this morning and Dirt bike for the oldest.  We are kind of boring but they seem to like it here.  

Now back to healthy news I harvested two zucchinis last week out of the garden.   We went to the farmers market and zucchini is going for a $1.00 a piece.   If all goes well with the garden, I'll have a gold mine in my own backyard!   I hope those cukes start coming in too!  

Curiosity got the better of me and I pulled up a couple of beets to see how big they were.  Yes, I was going down the row pulling to see if that one was bigger than the last one.  They could grow a lot more but I was able to make one pint of pickled beets with the ones I picked.  I only made half the recipe and saved the rest of the pickled juice in the refrigerator for when they are bigger.   I kind of love small batch canning.  

I was able to dry just about every load of laundry on the line this week. 

We passed up shopping at Kroger this weekend because there were no great deals this weekend for us.  We don't need the regular ice cream that's for sure.  We ended up at Walmart and found some deals on things we normally buy.   We found our low carb ice cream that we like for $1.50 cheaper.  When we need to stock up we will go there.  It pays to remember to shop around.  I forgot to check for the bleach tablets Patsy was talking about so I'll get them next time around.  

My goals for next week:

Same as last week:  

Help clean up the corner of our lot.  That is where things go when we don't know what to do with them.  There are a lot of odds and ends there.   I'm pretty sure this is the last thing on his list (his list is long) so I'm going to start on it myself this week and just not say anything.  

If it's cooler this week, I hope to sit in the backyard more and read a book!  

What are the ways you saved this past week?

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This post has been linked to Modest Monday's, Making a Home Home making Linky, 

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