Thursday, February 21, 2019

Free Kindle Books and Deals for Today 2/21/19!

The links in this post may contain affiliate links.   When you order from something from one of my links I receive a small commission with no extra cost to you.  You can read my  full disclosure policy  and privacy policy here.   Thanks so much for helping support Vickie's Kitchen and Garden! 
Free Kindle Books for today 2/21/19 Make sure you check the price before you buy, Amazon prices can change frequently. If you don’t have a Kindle you can download your favorite Kindle Book on any tablet or smartphone with a free Kindle Reading App

Victoria's English Cottage Garden by [Kuhnke, Jean L]

Cale's Story: An Epic Civil War Novella by [Brock, Madeline]

Weekday Cookie Recipes - When You Need Something Sweet Any Day of the Week (Hillbilly Housewife Cookbooks Book 10) by [Housewife, Hillbilly]

Surviving Our Times: Vegetable Gardener Guide (Two Book Set) by [Connelly, Faron]

It's My Bedtime...But I'm Thirsty!: (and other famous stalls) (It's Time Book 1) by [Benish, Shannon]

A Great Deal!  

Eternity Between Us: A Tale of Faith, Espionage, and Impossible Love During the Civil War by [McGee, Stephenia H.]

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Little Penpen said...

You got me today!! I grabbed the cookie book and the generosity book. Thanks!

Lona said...

Thank you so much for providing these! Have a great day!

Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

Your welcome Lona ...hope you find one you love!

Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

So funny those where the two I made sure I downloaded! I'm thinking so much about the Civil War one with the boy. I know I'll be hooked! Have a great day!