Sunday, August 11, 2019

My Frugal Ways this Past Week 8/11/19!

The Zinnia's in the vegetable garden have finally started blooming.  The plants are only 2 foot tall though but they are very pretty anyway.  These are grown from seed every year.  

Zucchini and cucumbers are coming out of the garden regularly now.  The cucumbers are eaten as fast as I pick them!  Zucchini is mostly frozen in strips for Lasagna.

One of my tomatoes is showing signs of ripening!  So exciting.  It's been a long time coming!  

Other news:

The computer is fixed!  We decided to let the computer repair store have a look at our computer.   We were able to put more memory in the harddrive and it only cost $75   It is guaranteed for 2 years. 

Blueberries were $1.19 a pint at Aldi's.   We froze a couple of bags and I also made a pie.  The pie was gone so fast.  I hope they have another sale this week, they were very good.  I also made zucchini bread to freeze at the same time while the oven was hot.

After fixing the screen on the screen door multiple times we put the glass window part back in.   Neighborhood cats were actually pulling the screen off and coming right in the porch!   We love them just not in our house.   

We took our lunch with us fishing this past week.  Didn't catch anything but seaweed.  Still fun!  

I bought a $10 JC Penny gift card with my points from Swagbucks.   

My goals for this week:

We never have straightened up the wood pile yet (previous goal).  It's nice and cool now, so yesterday I hired a good worker (grandson) and he is helping.  I hope to get this done this week.  
Sometimes we need help with our goals!  

How did you save money this past week?

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Cheryl Kimbley said...

I love zinnias. They are such an old fashioned pretty flower. Glad your garden is coming on.
Good going on the computer fix. Much cheaper than a new one.
Have a good week.

Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

I love them too- good for bouquets and it's seems like the bees are really attracted to them.
Have a great week too!

Jenny said...

I love zinnia! I didn't plant any this year but they've come back from seed & are blooming. Not as many as I've had in the past but enough to give me some nice bouquets. I picked another free bouquet this past week.

Glad you got something figured out with your computer.

I repaired the lid on my kitchen soap dispenser instead of buying a new one. It's a glass canning jar with a metal lid & the lid had begun to rust. So I took the lid apart, taking the pump off of it & spray painted the lid using some grey metallic paint I had left over from our kitchen remodel. It took maybe 10 minutes & looks so much nicer. I hope it wears well.

I potted up a few more cuttings I had rooting in my kitchen window. Nothing super exciting except it was all free using pots, plants & soil I already had on a few fun rocks & pieces from my miniature garden stash to make it more fun.

I've been cooking up some meat from my freezer for our big guard dog. I left it too long so I thought it's better than throwing it out completely.....not really a savings but not a total waste.

My husband replaced the blades & some missing bolts on the mower himself. He pretty much does all the repairs on it.

He also called around to different pharmacies price checking our prescriptions. Some of our medications are no longer covered under our insurance policy so by moving them to a different pharmacy we'll save at least $30 on a 90 day supply. It's frustrating because we love our local pharmacy & know them well. Plus we have to drive farther but it's the same town where we go for groceries, so not out of the way. Still....:(

He has also decided to change test strips for the same reason. He tests his blood around 8 times a day & the testing supplies cost more because of insurance. He can pay less out of pocket by buying another brand at Walmart.

Lana said...

That is great about the computer 😊. We had a very expensive car repair this week so we are tightening the old belt for the rest of this month.

Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

I know how you feel about car repairs...husband is out fixing the brakes now. When it rains it pours some months. Have a great day Lana

Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

Jenny, I keep moving the zinnias around I need to just leave them and see if they come back next year like yours.
That is sad that you have to move to another store to get a good deal on your prescriptions but that's a lot of savings. It's worth it in the long run.
You had a really good week in the saving department!

Anonymous said...

Vickie I am glad you garden picked up for you and you are getting lots of lovely produce and the zinnias are so pretty. The blueberries are a great price and well worth stocking up at that price.

Our savings last week added up to $404.50 :).

Extra house payments, Income earned and eBay listings -
- Paid an additional $175 mortgage payment off the home.
- Listed 10 items on a free listing promotion on eBay saving $16.50 on usual listing fees.
- Made $31 from the sale of some lace curtains we had in the home that I am replacing with home made cotton ones to keep the summer heat out.

In the kitchen -
- Cooked all meals and bread from scratch apart from one meal we ate out.

Purchases -
- From Kmart I purchased a wool blend coat for $15 and 2 cotton long sleeved t-shirts on clearance saving $47 on usual prices.
- DH purchased 2 pairs of new jeans from BigW on sale for $7 a pair saving $26.00 on usual prices.
- From Best and Less DH purchased 3 x 3 pk of work socks on special saving $15 on usual prices.

Home organisation -
- We realigned all the storage shelving units in food storage room so we have even walk through aisles.
- Took everything off the shelves and reorganised it all in date order and spread out everything so it now has the right amount of room.
- Did an inventory of the food storage room and pantries to see what we need to reach our food storage goals.

Water preservation -
- Saved the shower warm up water to fill up drink bottles for cleaning around the home.
- Used the grey water from the grey water tank to water fruit and berry trees in the gardens and the neighbour's for watering grass to green it up a bit.

Medical -
- Organised to get a thyroid scan to be bulk billed saving $300 if I had to pay for it.
- I am undergoing pre skin cancer treatment for carcinomas on my face with cream probably saving a lot in medical bills for having skin cancers removed later on when they got worse.

Hope everyone had a wonderful week of savings and productivity :).

Sewingcreations15 (Lorna).

Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

l need to get my pantry organized too. You did great this week in savings!!
Sorry to hear about your skin cancers and I'm glad your getting it taken care of, Lorna.

Jenny said...

Vicki I don't move my zinnias but most my seedlings come up in the 'lawn'...outside of the flower bed. I dig them up & put them in the bed as soon as I see them before my husband mows them down. Even then, they will keep coming back for awhile if he mows over them.

It looks like we'll be using two pharmacies. We're keeping most of our prescriptions with our old one & just moving the ones that cost less.

Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

Oh love how you rescue the Zinnias! They are worth it. Maybe I'll go pick a bouquet now.
Good to hear about using two pharmacies. That's a perfect solution.

Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage said...

Those ornery cats!
We had a raccoon tearing holes to get in last summer.

Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

oh man ...I'm so glad it's just the cats!