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Lettuce Grown 3 Ways!
I first started my lettuce in a winter sown milk jug then transferred them, after they started growing, to different planting areas. This gave me a head start in our cold climate. They are a cold weather crop and went through a hard freeze with no problem. We were down to 26 degrees the night before last. I'm sure they have their limit though.
1. Soil Bag Growing

Here I cut the top of a potting mix bag making sure to leave some of the side.
2. In the garden

This lettuce has been growing in the garden with the cabbage and onions.
3. In a grow bag

This lettuce needs thinning but it's growing great in the grow bag!
Kroger shopping!
You know it's just not as fun going shopping anymore. It gets me nervous and I can't breathe through the masks. I feel like Darth Vader. It's for my safety and yours, so I do it. I really think I just like to complain. ha ha!
I went early around 8:30 in the morning and the strawberries were there. The price for 2 lbs was $1.88. I bought 12 lbs of them for jam and eating. They were not stocked up on these and unless they had more in the back they probably ran out.
I saw a big watermelon for $5.99 and snatched that up.
The steak they advertised for $5.99 wasn't there. They did have hamburger but the price wasn't marked so I walked on by. For meat I bought spare ribs and chicken. A whole chicken was .95 cents a pound and spare ribs were $3,99 a pound (the half slab was $5.99).
People were all wearing masks and they had one way aisle shopping. Although there were some that just didn't get that concept.
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I am arrow directionally challenged. Hubby is constantly telling me that I am going the wrong way in stores. I forget about the arrows and just get busy looking for what I came for and then I am going the wrong way. But, do I notice? No because I am still looking for what came for. The one time we went to the food section in Walmart everyone was going the wrong way but us because Hubby is the arrow police. In Aldi they have these small stickers on the bottom of the shelves pointing which direction and I am pretty sure that 50% of shoppers have never even seen them.
That was a great price on the strawberries! I'm glad you were able to get 12 pounds. I am not going to make Strawberry jam this year because I am behind on eating what I made in prior years. Hubby doesn't eat jam so what I make is all mine which is not always a good thing when I make too much!
Another comment-the store that has ground sirloin for $8.49# has sirloin steaks on sale for $3.99# this week so we stocked up on those. But, the price thing just doesn't make sense!
No it doesn't! I guess now you have to pay a special price to have it ground up?
You know I'm glad you told me about Aldis we would have never noticed either!
It does and it hard for older people to walk around another aisle to get something. Grocery shopping ain't what it used to be!
People are not wearing masks in my stores...it drives me crazy. A few people are but most are not. I always wear mine.
I'm so glad you were able to go choose your own food this time. I used to love grocery shopping too but not anymore. It sure has made me be much more content with what I have!
Glad you were able to get your strawberries. Glad you were wearing your mask too, for your safety and others.
I don't understand the armed militia parading around in some states. Crazy and scary times.
Stay safe and enjoy your berries.
it's supply and demand driving the price.Daddy always bought sirloin on sale and then had the butcher grind it or bring it home and grind it himself
I live in Wisconsin and with the decision to open that state has gotten me a bit upset. I can't believe they did this. Watching the news was mind boggling. I am very lucky and still complain about our food prices, here I get whole chickens for$0.69 lb. Part of it is we have nothing but farms every where. Nice price on the strawberries. Do you make a refrigerator jam? Thank you again for the ebooks.
I watched that part of the nightly news. So scary. We eventually will open back up totally but it will be awhile I'm thinking. I'm glad.
You have great prices there. I'm not sure I'll get back out for awhile. That one trip tealady was enough for me for now
I'm canning the strawberry jam.
I wonder if they would grind it back there. I was too much in a hurry to get what was on my list I didn't want to ask.
I feel so sorry for the lawmakers who felt threatened.
I just hope this doesn't last for too long.
I decided although I got what I wanted that I know hate grocery shopping! Very stressful.
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