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We had a good garden rain last night. Not a flood like they predicted (thank goodness) but good enough so I don't need to water the garden. So, until it dries up later today, I'm sewing. I've made two of these patriotic masks so far. It just takes a few minutes and I'm done.
I know there is much debate about this in some circles but my family wants to be respectful of other people. Right now they are saying that this will help us to control this virus that's spinning out of control. So, when we go some where we wear a mask. You know, someday it will be over and I want to say we did what was right.
It's just two pieces of fabric.
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My kids have repeatedly told me to wear the mask (I do anyways but it's nice for them to tell me).
I think you have truly stated why masks are so important - they are to keep others safe and if we all do it we'll keep each other safe.
I know the wearing of them has become very political in the US - which is truly puzzling to much of the rest of the world - so it is wonderful that you look at it as something to do for the good of everyone. Your masks will be wonderful for July 4th.
Aww they care about you! You have to love that!
Margie, wearing a mask is the least we can do! I'm not sure why it's political but it's important. I found that material at Joanne's and was so excited. Patriotic masks!
Have a great day and stay safe.
My husband has started wearing the masks his employer gave to I needed more for me. I went to a little wholesale shop dust down the road from me, in the middle of nowhere & bought 3 masks. They're better than the ones I had.
I think we may never go back to not wearing masks in certain situations, like going to the dr or during certain times of the year. I had lab work done this week & the technician told me she couldn't see us ever going back to the way it was before.
In our little town, the drs are going car to car to treat patients. And we're in the south where it's hot & humid. They mask up with face mask, goggles, a head covering, tie-on over their clothes...gloves, footies....the whole works & go car to car in 90' heat. They must be miserable. An elderly friend of mine had to take her husband in & she sent a picture of them walking car to car.
Send some of that rain south please.
I love the patriotic masks.
I wish that more people cared about others instead of only themselves.
Hope you have a good weekend.
I decided we needed a few more masks so I made some big enough to fit a gorilla. Sigh. Back to the sewing machine.
Yep done that and a few of them shrunk. Help!
I feel the same. Have a great weekend too.
I never thought about it but we just might be in this for a long haul.
The health care workers are angels and heroes for sure. I'm not sure ok could do it.
Have a great weekend.
Yes! Thank you for wearing masks. We don't go out very often, but always wear our masks. Not many people in towns around here do. Not sure how this has become political, not medical. I just want everyone to be safe, and seems like the one way we can control our own fate is masks and social distancing.
Ours didn't shrink. We will have find some gorillas to wear them!
I decided to get the iron out after I washed the old ones and they almost look back to normal. I hope you find some gorillas!
Those two are our top priority when we go out. I'm not sure a lot of people know what social distancing means!
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