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I look around this morning and I'm thinking of what to do first. Mopping, polishing, vacuuming, making beds, it seems it all needs to be done. You know what? I'm tired of it. I'm thinking of letting it go to pot, as my Mom would say but I won't. I know that it would bother me in the end. I just can't do it.
I remember when, as young teenagers, we had to clean the house before we went to bed. Mom and Dad both worked second shift and it was up to us to make sure the house was clean. So, we would watch t.v., do a chore, do our homework, do a chore etc. Then, sometimes we would go into a blitz and started cleaning an hour before she would come home (we took teenager naps). Man we could work fast. I'm pretty sure it wasn't up to par cleaning but it passed the test.
So, this morning I downloaded two books and I planning on taking a clue from my childhood. Read a little, work a little. I downloaded the mason jar book below and a end of the world book ( this book was too much violence and bad language for me)so sorry I said I was reading one said a thing in the reviews...I am! Yeah sometimes I like to scare myself. Anyway, so I read first? Maybe I could stick a load of clothes in the wash then read. Decisions, decisions...
How's it going in your neck of the woods?
I like your idea!
Clean then read!
Thanks for the books. I got the apolcolipse and dessert and jar recipe books. Is that a face on the jar book cover?
Have a great weekend. Lots of wind and rain here, so a nice day to read.
I've been in that read a little, do other stuff, read some more phase for awhile. It seems to work so I'm sticking with it for now. Ann
I developed a cleaning habit 10 yrs ago when I hurt my back & had my thyroid removed (think sleeping 24/7 for 6 months!)...I can't say if it's a lazy habit now that I'm healthier? Before my injury I would have said it is!
I could only work a few minutes at a time so I'd set a timer for 3 to 5 minutes & clean, then lay or sit to rest. As my back healed I'd set a timer for 10 to 20 minutes so I didn't re-injure it. Well you can get a lot of work done in 3 to 5 minutes if you focus!
So 10 yrs later I still do this. Sometimes setting a timer, sometimes writing a list & trading between fun things (reading, surfing, ect) & chores. And I even enjoy commercial tv for this reason because I clean during commercials. This is mainly what I do on my off days, when I can't find motivation or am just tired but still need to get something accomplished.
E-mail working perfectly today! Or actually, that was your blog from yesterday, but I just now am reading it. Thank you, as always, for the free book links. I'm acquiring a nice library for my great-grandson on my iPad, and of course, many very good books for myself on my Kindle Paperwhite. I use your behavior modification on myself all the time! I work a little and then do something I want to do--like check my email, then work a little more, etc. I sometimes even use a timer, so I don't get carried away with the fun segment. Ironically, I most often work longer than the allotted work time. Once I get started, I tend to keep at it longer, but then I know that my time is up and I can quit anytime I want. I used to use behavior modification on my kids, when they were growing up. It's a wonderful help for parents or grandparents or for me--great-grandparent. Blessings...
ha ha you like to scare yourself too! I see a face!
Good time to read in bad weather. Have a great weekend.
Ann, I'm good for whatever works, I guess just so it gets done and no one special is going to come over anyway that doesn't already..right?
I love commercials too! I love your motivation Jenny. Even when you were healing. I'm sure that helped a lot in the physical therapy department.
Yes I found that too..instead of one job I did three. I guess I better get back to doing some more.
Glad your filling up your Kindle!
Exactly how I kept house before Hubby retired. Now he does a lot of the cleaning chores. Scary book make me have nightmares. I like reading them but don't like being terrorized all night!
Oh man that language in the book turned me off right away and it was too violent. No body could sleep after reading that one so I quit! Well still working on chores.
I go through times when I make a cleaning list. Right now, I just clean when the dust bothers me and that is usually a light dusting every couple of days. All is good here. New granddaughter born on Nov. 13th and new book for children has released. "Grumpy the Gator".
Oh Your one happy grandma! Congratulations on your new grandbaby and new book Melissa!
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