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It's been a weird winter for us in our part of Michigan. While the southern states have gotten hit, we have missed snow storm after snow storm. It's been kind of nice really. The husband hasn't even fired up the snow blower once!
Today though, it's here for awhile and we are expecting a little bit. They are predicting 2 to 4 inches. We will see.
How's the winter been where you are?
Hidden Currents (Lantern Beach Mysteries Book 1)
Indentured Bonds: The First Generation, Circa 1715 (The Lovelys' Family Tree Book 1)
Apples for Teachers: A Daily Devotional from the Book of Proverbs (Positive Action Devotionals 1)
Elphie and Dad go on an Epic adventure (Elphie's books Book 1)
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We had a huge thunderstorm and lightening with monsoon rain and hail in the night. So weird for January!
Our winter has been pretty mild. One snow in early December, a few flurries since & lots of rain & mud.
sounds like you about got washed away. It's been a weird one that's for sure.
I think I like snow the best in the winter because of the mud. It's been awhile though.
I love snow...when I don't have to go out in it.
We actually had a white Christmas this year for the first time in many years. It was so nice. We have had a couple of snows since, maybe a few inches plus ice which I can do without.
Enjoy your snow. Hope the kids can sled and make snowmen.
We had another round this evening, It's hard to judge how much is out there maybe 5 to 6 inches. Husband is waiting till it's over to plow. Tomorrow, fun!
We called it a white Christmas here but it was just barely. The ice is terrible ... I can do without it too.
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