Growing up impoverished in small-town Texas, young Rickey Hill shows an extraordinary ability for hitting a baseball, despite being burdened by leg braces from a degenerative spinal disease. His stern, pastor father (DENNIS QUAID) discourages Rickey from playing baseball to protect him from injury, and to have him follow in his footsteps and become a preacher. As a young man, Rickey (COLIN FORD) becomes a baseball phenomenon. His desire to participate in a try-out for a legendary major league scout divides the family and threatens Rickey’s dream of playing professional baseball. Based on a true story, THE HILL is directed by Jeff Celentano and also stars JOELLE CARTER, country music singer and songwriter RANDY HOUSER, Golden Globe nominee BONNIE BEDELIA, and SCOTT GLENN.
Bring your family to see this inspiring movie in theaters starting today 8/25!
My Review:
THE Hill is an inspiring true story that the whole family will love. I can imagine how the inspiration to go on, no matter what the obstacles, will be swirling around children's heads. They will cheer for Ricky and hope he makes it. The adults will too!
I loved all the charactors because they were so true to life. All the way from Grandma who speaks her mind no matter what anyone says (my favorite) to the pastor Dad who learns to let go of his rules.
The scenery is perfect and you feel like your in that time frame of the 50's and 60's. Perfect!
Giveaway: $10 Amazon giftcard! (Note: This is limited to US winners only)
I put the wrong question in the leave a comment section...sorry
Many thanks to Briarcliff Entertainment, LLC for providing a sample of the product for this review. Opinions are 100% my own.
If you’re asking about Corrie Ten Boom, then no, I have never heard her story. However, I would love to see The Hiding Place digitally. As for The Hill, however, it’s great having Dennis Quaid in this movie, and I can’t wait to see it! Just like Rickey Hill, I definitely had my share of childhood dreams, but my biggest perhaps was becoming an editor/proofreader. My favorite Dennis Quaid movie up to this point is The Day After Tomorrow, and I plan to bring my mother with me to go see The Hill. I’m just answering some of the possible questions here LOL
Thanks Hannah for telling me about the comment question. I don't think there is anything I can do now. Yes, Dennis Is Quaid makes the movie pop! So good! Hope you and your mother love it.
I would like to see this movie. It sounds terrific! Annie
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