Saturday, September 7, 2024

The Weedy Garden, the Harvest so far, and My Best Deal of the Week!

The garden turned out to be a weedy mess.  Between the rain and my back it was more of disaster than anything else.  But we were able so far to pick enough green beans for two dinners and three quarts to can.  I guess you call this small batch canning.

We picked greasy beans and Kentucky wonders.  They were delicious.

We ran out of potatoes in the house and husband was able to dig a half of a row.  I brought some in and others I'm letting dry in the garage.

We know exactly were everything is planted in this mess, thank goodness.  I know that the white half runner beans are in there and we are going to pick them soon.  Hopefully we will get a good harvest.  I'm thankful for anything this year.

My best deal of the week:  I went to Walmart yesterday and was able to buy 4 bags of potting mix for next Spring at $5.00 a bag. 

 Sorry to have missed last week.  I'm pretty sure every part of my body has been tested but I know there is something that I haven't thought about. They want to get to the bottom of the blood clots and know what caused them.  I want to know the answers too but the anxiety of waiting on the results has not been fun.  I've learned to pray deeply. 

I go to physical therapy for my back a couple of times a week and I'm doing much better.  Still pain but walking is better.  Distance walking and steps can be a nightmare.  It just takes time.

I'm looking forward to next week just the physical therapy and no doctors.  I need peace for a week!  

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Cheryl Kimbley said...

Sure hope you get answers and healing soon. Take care of yourself and don't try to over do it.

Belinda said...

Vickie, the echo I had wasn't bad at all. They hook the cables onto you and then use a wand moving across your upper chest and heart area. No problems at all and only took about 20 minutes, although they said it could take up to one hour. I'm hoping for excellent results for you.

And, weedy gardens still produce good fruit, which you are doing. I love Kentucky Wonder beans. Yum!

Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

thankyou Belinda, Sounds like a easy test that I won't freak out over! Your right, those KY wonder are so good.

Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

Thank you Cheryl, Soon they will run of out of tests, I hope!

Lana said...

I will be praying for you. That is right where I have been is praying and it seems there is no where to turn but God in those times. I d know that getting older is not for wimps!

Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

Thanks so much Lana, Your right about getting older!

Kathy said...

I am so sorry that you are having to go thru all those tests. I hope you get some answers soon, and I hope that you feel better. Glad that PT is helping with back pain. Sending gentle hugs.

Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

Thankyou Kathy, It will be over soon they are running out of parts to test (I hope)!