Yesterday was a great weather day-with a high near 45. There is ice everywhere though so moving around can be downright dangerous.
Funny story, my granddaughter was here in the living room one day and as she looked across the street she saw this young man fall down his icy steps. He was fine and brushed off his pants, looked around, and walked off, but she said it was like watching at a real life tik tok. Poor guy, I'm glad he doesn't know we saw that. If it was me I would have broken a hip.
The nice weather though has me wanting to start seeds. I did bring in one rack to get ready for it and I'm looking at my seeds but really it's too early here, except for onions and houseplants of course. I have propagated a couple of wandering jews already and I have decided to plant onions ha ha.
If you are getting the itch to plant too, old farmers almanac has a list, after you put in your zip code, of when you should start your plants.
The junk you see in the floor to the left is our Spring to do list, paint, a faucet to put in, etc. I need to calm down, now is the time for that stuff I guess.
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Glad your neighbor was ok, and I hope your ice melts soon. We are having a lot of rain, so most of our snow/ice has melted.
I am ready for spring now, but shouldn't start my seeds until the middle of March.
Hope you have a great weekend.
I'm glad your neighbor is OK too. Bailey and I once saw this man walk out of CVS and the roof snow came down and landed on him. We all looked at each other, including the man, and laughed about it. He wasn't hurt, but It was funny.
Good idea to get started on planning your 2025 garden. I want to do something this year too, but haven't decided yet.
I think everyone has the 'itch'. Our snow and ice are finally going away - with the higher temps. Now we will have mud! I am trying to get the inside projects done - before spring!!
We are missing that rain Kathy but we have some warmth so hopefully the ice will be gone soon. That list of when to plant was a great way to slow me down. I think I would have planted today! ha ha Have a great weekend too.
Cheryl, It's hard not to get with it but I guess I better keep doing inside projects and spring cleaning too. Have a great day.
Oh man that would have been something to see...I'm glad he was ok too. Crazy how things just happen like that. Have a great weekend.
Glad he is okay. I sorted seeds, ordered more seeds and then decided to figure out what I am planting when as I plant 3 seasons. Hubby just laughed.
It's good to think about it and that Chef
I've planted parsley, thyme, leek and celery seeds. They should be ready to plant when that season rolls around here, which is end of May.
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