Sunday, June 19, 2016

My Frugal Ways this Past week,What Was On the Dinner table and My Goals for the Week 6/19/16

Squirrel getting all he can eat-Vickie's Kitchen and Garden

Lesson learned:  Never fill the bird feeder in the evening. The squirrel thought it was a buffet!  

Our garage sale-Vickie's Kitchen and Garden

This past week started off kind of slow and then we decided to have our garage sale for two days.  We had been putting this off forever.   Our excuses included....too cold, too hot, too busy, and too tired. Let me tell you sales are hard work but they are well worth it in the end!   I would love to say that we had dinner ready both days but that just didn't happen. Thankfully we made more than enough to cover dinner and not feel too guilty about it.   

I bought a $100 gift card on Amazon and received a $5.00 bonus. This was offered to me on the main page of Amazon (it might be there for you too).  It seems that this might be tempting to use but so far I haven't even thought about it (well..until now). 

Received a $5.00 gift card from Meijer for answering a survey.  I'm going to save this for Christmas (gift for teacher or stocking stuffer).

What was on the Dinner Table last week:

Monday           Out to eat breakfast with husband

Tuesday           Sausage biscuits

Wednesday      Cheeseburger casserole

Thursday         Roasted turkey dinner

Friday              Garage Sale

Saturday          Garage Sale

Sunday            Steak on the Grill for Father's Day

My Goals for this week:  (a lot of carry overs it seems from last week due to garage sale)

In the garden:

My Easter Lilies are just now blooming!

Weed the vegetable garden.

Weed around the rocks in the back of the house and put more rocks down if necessary. 
In the home:

Hem the other pair of jeans I bought at a garage sale.  I would also love to makeover one pair of my jeans into Capri's.

Help clean the garage and store things for next years sale.


Read a book and write a review.

Work on Instagram.  

Keep working on an important blog post for the end of the month (more on this later).

What frugal things did you accomplish last week?  

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This post has been linked to The Art of Homemaking Mondays, Modest Mondays, The Prudent Homemaker, Making a Home-Homemaking Party, The Penny Pinching party
Thrifty Thursday, Frugal Friday

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