So sorry this week I've been MIA except for the books. Seems like I got so busy that all I could do was fall in to bed each night! I'll try to do a lot better this next week.
Here are the ways I've saved and helped build up my household this past week:
Breakfast is the hardest meal for me to cook so I made up a lot this week and then froze it. I cooked banana bread muffins (trim healthy mama), sausage, and french toast made with Ezekiel bread. I just double or triple the recipe and freeze into meal sized portions.
I requested a book that I just had to have at the library. It's very popular so it looks like I'm in for a wait.
Thursday and Friday we went to subdivision sales. Among other smaller things, we bought a small tent, kids swimming pool, carpet cleaner for $15.00 (like new), and the best deal of all for me was a new t.v. stand for $40.00. There wasn't a scratch or dent on it. She said they paid $325 for it new and then didn't like it.
I went to a blood drive and they gave me a Cedar Point (amusement park) ticket. I'm very glad to say that I'll be the chaperone of our grand toddler. We will have so much fun. Yeah! Just to let you know, we will be enjoying ourselves at the little rides. Maybe I'm getting old but those roller coasters are not normal anymore.
My husband picked up 3 gas cans and a quart of oil left at the curb (neighbors are moving).
I filled out a health survey at a car show we went to yesterday. I was told I will get a $5.00 gift certificate in my email soon.
Went for a bike ride at least 4 times this last week. I love to go just before dark, when it's cooler. It was peaceful and relaxing so I've been sleeping well.
In the garden:
Earlier in the week husband used the small rototiller to weed in between the rows. I kept busy weeding some of the rows in between the plants. Then we got busy with the sales and I just got back to weeding yesterday again. This is what some of the garden looked like.
I'm very happy to say that I found the onions last night. I'll have to weed this patch again today, if it's not too wet from the rain this morning.
We are so sad to report a death in the garden. The lettuce finally bolted.
Goals for this week:
Weed the garden more often.
Clean out the medicine cabinet and see what I need to buy.
What are the ways you've saved this past week?
Be sure to
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