Friday, August 26, 2022

A $5.00 Cabbage at the Farmers Market!

Yesterday, we picked our biggest cabbage yet and we picked a few others to go along with it.  Don't worry neighbor who decided that the $5.00 cabbage at the farmers market was too much money (can you imagine), a cabbage is coming your way soon.


I ended up canning 4 more jars of tomatoes and 5 jars of sauerkraut. 

When I got done ...I cleaned up the dishes and swept the floor.   I left the dishes I needed right on the counter ready for this morning.   I'm lazy like that.  There are 4 cabbages in a basket in the floor along with another basket lined with tomatoes.

But first...a cup of coffee, breakfast egg bites, and a little reading in my outdoor reading nook.  Nope, I didn't get everything just perfect but hopefully I can paint the furniture soon.  The weeds are something, I think I can never control.

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Lana said...

Whoa! That is nuts! I saw green peppers at the grocery this AM for $2 each and was so glad I got them 2/$1 at the discount store last week and put them in the freezer for later.

Kathy said...

Wow, that is a big cabbage!
Your outdoor reading area looks great! What a lovely relaxing spot.
Hope you have a great weekend.

Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

Lana, Prices are out of control in some places. I'm glad you got your peppers at the discount store too!

Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

Thankyou Kathy, It was very relaxing reading this morning. Have a great weekend too!