Tuesday, March 12, 2024

What I'm Growing This Week 3/12/24


I'm getting excited for Spring and have started a lot of seeds inside.  Marigolds are growing in the small cell trays.  I have so many coming up that I'll make another tray with the extras when I can this week.  The pots are Brandy wine Tomato's -I watched a couple of youtube videos on how to grow them in bigger pots right from the start.  The little cells in front of them are peppers.

The greenhouse is a learning curve for sure.   It can get down to twenty at night and 110 during the day.  You had better open it up as soon as it warms up.  I open up the little window on top and the door is wide open.

Right now, I just have early and late cabbage growing in there.  You can see my gallon milk jugs under the shelf.  I spray painted them black to see if they will help the heat at night.  I have more to spray paint today.

I'm also growing a couple of chicks!  Isa browns are my favorite layers.  

How's everything at your house? 

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Kathy said...

Your plants are looking good!! Your new greenhouse will save on buying plants this year and you will have more variety with the seeds that you can grow.
I need to start some seeds soon. I say that every year, but then wait til it is almost too late.
Oh baby chicks are so cute! I bet the grandkids love watching them grow.

Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

Kathy, Don't feel bad, last year was too late for me too..I grew some but ended up buying some from a roadside stand. Thanks sure do happen!
The grandkids are coming today so they will be excited.

Nancy said...

Oh Vickie-the greenhouse plants look so good! I'll have to watch the video of starting in bigger pots.It's always a chore to transplant in bigger pots. We haven't started yet but for sure have to start peppers soon. Told my husband I'll start some flowers and he can start the veggies as usual. I bought one of those multi gooseneck grow lights last year on sale so we'll see how that goes. Husband has his table and lights in the furnace room. And love the little Chickies! When we go to the farm store I just hang around the babies while husband does the shopping! Enjoy your day!

Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

Nancy, oh I wish I had somewhere else to start seeds-too cold in the green house so it's right in the kitchen LOL! My growlight seems to be really helping in the house. I hope yours works out well for you.
Enjoy your day too!

Lana said...

Your plants look so healthy. I'm stoked that you have a greenhouse.

Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

Lana, I'm stocked too.... but I never want to put another one together!

Belinda said...

h, how neat to have baby chicks! I want to have some too, but need to secure out chicken coop first. Your greenhouse is coming along nicely. My Dad would set his milk jugs full water in full sun and they would get very warm. Great idea to spray paint them black.

Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

Belinda, Hope you get things squared away soon on your chicken coop...it's so fun getting new chickens.
Thanks for telling me about your Dad and his milk jugs...at least I know I'm on the right track.