Monday, February 15, 2021

Free Kindle Books for Today 2/15/21 Plus A Little Bit of Everything!

  Free Kindle Books and deals for today 2/15/21!  Make sure you check the price before you buy, Amazon prices can change frequently. If you don’t have a Kindle you can download your favorite Kindle Book on any tablet or smartphone with a free Kindle app

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I went outside this morning to let out the chickens in my usual garb, housecoat and boots (sorry if I scare anyone in the neighborhood).  Yeah, it's cold and I just about froze to death.  Winter is here, a little late but it's shown up at our door this month so, maybe I'll get dressed next time.  

I stayed up a little late last night watching a movie called Greenland that someone recommended.  It was a thriller, disaster movie.   It was so good!  So when the husband came in to bed  and said well they are predicting 12 inches of snow today, I immediately thought disaster and another Ice Age.  I went right to sleep though.  It was good to have a little fun even if it cost me $3.99!  

Now, to get ready for the fix it guy!  Maybe I should get dressed and shovel a little.

How's it going in your neck of the woods?

Girl From the Docks 


A Place Called Destiny (The Destiny Series Book 1)

The Quarantine Survival Cookbook: The guide to quarantine cooking, what to buy, how to store it, 60+ recipes and planned menus you can cook at home.

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Lana said...

It has been so cold and constantly raining for so many days now that I have lost track. Our yard is just mud. Our son who moved from the north to the south a few weeks ago and expected warmth and sunshine is getting snow today. Our 3 yr old grandson will be thrilled. This morning while entering expenditures into my budget ledger I found that we have only spent $33 on food all this month and it is simply because there is not much that will make me go out in that cold rain. Happy Monday!

Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

I want bananas 🍌 so bad but this snow has me home bound today so I understand about not going out for groceries!
Hope you have a lot of fun with the grandson in the snow today!

Cheryl Kimbley said...

Yep it's winter here too. Cold and snow. Had some snow this AM - but not too bad. Second round starting in a few hours - saying 6 - 10" before midnight. UGH
Anyone else wishing for above 32*? Maybe this weekend.

Belinda said...

It's been raining here for days, I wish the sun would shine. Looks like you ended up with a lot of snow.

I was going to mention this, when I click on a free book on Amazon, oftentimes there are other books for free on the same page. So, if any of your readers want to scroll thru them they may find other free ones they are interested in too. I found three additional titles for free just today.

Rhonda said...

We’re deep in snow and it’s so cold!
We aren’t going to the store either

I got the cookbook you posted. If 2020-2021 has taught us anything, we all need to have tools and be prepared

Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

Yeah we need more books Belinda!
I guess the bulk of the snow will hit tonight. Oh boy!

Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

We have the same forecast Cheryl..can't wait for Spring!

Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

Hope the grandson comes soon..I left most of the snow shoveling around the house for him.
I got the book..the more we know the better we are in being prepared. Good to have other peoples thoughts.

Jenny said...

That sounds like a movie Charlie would love.

We woke to frozen hot water pipes. Very frustrating because we've been through -20 real temps & never had that happen. But we finally figured out that we forgot to close the air vents on the north side of the house crawl space. Charlie put a heater under there & the line was open in an hour. We closed the vent, replaced the space heater with a heat lamp & hopefully we'll be good. We won't go above freezing until Friday. Tonight's low is -9.

So I may have a whole week off at home alone. Glorious.

Kathy said...

Your snow and bird at the feeder are so pretty.
We had an ice storm this weekend and lost power for about 30 hours. There are still thousands without power though. Ice has melted here now, and our power is back so I am happy.
I enjoy watching disaster movies too, so will check out Greenland. Hope you have a great week.

Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

Oh no we've had those a couple of times until we started letting the tub water drip. Now we insulated the pipes more but we run the water still first thing in the morning and before we go to bed.
We need a break from this's wild!
I hope you have a glorious week.

Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

Oh man so sorry about the ice storms...glad your warm again! This weather is just crazy!
Hope you like Greenland. I haven't watched a movie in so long it was exciting to find one I liked.

R's Rue said...

Stay warm